Sep 2
Depart Vancouver... Total driving distance 700km
住 Mt Robson Meadow Campground - reserved sites 86,87,88
中饭:Shanghai Mandarin Restaurant, 1315 Summit Dr Unit 14, Kamloops 已预定9月2号中午12点半 under Fan
Sep 3
8km day hiking at Opal Hills Loop near Maligne Lake area
... Total driving distance 300km
住 Mt Robson Meadow Campground
晚饭:Kimchi House, 407 Patricia Street, Jasper, 1 780-852-5022
Sep 4
11km 负重背包上山
住 Whitehorn Campground (reserved 4 tent pads)
Sep 5
5km 负重背包上山 至 Emperor Falls Campground 扎营,之后
14km 来回 day hiking 至 Robson Pass,之后下山
住 Emperor Falls Campground (reserved 3 tent pads)
有一组4人可住在 Berg Lake Campground (reserved 1 tent pad)
Sep 6
10km 来回 day hiking to Hargreaves Glacier & Toboggan Falls (optional)
9km 负重背包下山
住 Kinney Lake Campground (reserved 4 tent pads)
Sep 7
7km 负重背包下山 至 TH and drive back to Vancouver... Total driving distance 700km
因受营地预定限制,本次活动不安排走Snowbird Pass全程,可能走部分。
---- Directions ----
Driving distance:
Vancouver - Kamloops - Clearwater - Mt Robson: 1400km return trip
Mt Robson - Maligne Lake: 300km return trip
Carpool fee: $150/person
Opal Hills Loop
No Dogs: The Opal Hills area has been identified as critical Woodland Caribou habitat, a threatened Species-at-Risk in Canada. In an attempt to reduce stressors on this disappearing icon of the Canadian wilderness Parks Canada has banned dogs from all Caribou habitat in Jasper National Park. (http://www.speciesatrisk.gc.ca/)
The Opal Hills Trail in Jasper National Park is a very steep (almost 500m elevation in less than 3km) keyhole loop trail that carries hikers high above Maligne Lake to a beautiful wildflower garden.
From the parking lot the trail descends into an open meadow and quickly passes two trail junctions with the Mary Schaaffer Loop, keep left at both junctions. After crossing the meadow the trail enters the forest and begins a no-nonsense ascent up the mountain side. At 1.6km you'll arrive at the upper loop junction, keep right to continue the steep ascent to treeline, where the trail will become braided just before it reaches a trail sign.
To the right of the sign is a 400m spur trail leading to a viewpoint over Maligne Lake. Considering how much elevation you've gained it's a bit surprising how little of the lake you can actually see. Better views of the lake can be had from the Bald Hills Trail on the other side of the valley. The main trail continues to the left of the trail sign and quickly drops down to cross the creek that drain the meadows. During the early season or after a heavy rain this creek, above the trail, turns into a long slender cascading waterfall.
The trail then meanders for 2km through the beautiful wildflower gardens before turning left and dropping back in to the forest to close the upper loop. The Opal Hills were named by Mary Schäffer in 1908 for the gem-like colours of all the beautiful wildflowers she found there.
Parks Canada produces a day hiking guide of this and many other trails in the park called "Summer Trails" which is available for
free from the Jasper Information Centre in the Jasper townsite and the parks desk in the Columbia Icefield Centre.
From the town of Jasper drive east for 2km on Hwy 16 and turn right on the Maligne Lake Road. Cross the bridge follow the Maligne Lake Road for 46km to the parking lots before the Maligne Lake Chalet. This parking lot has three levels and for this trail you want to park in the upper or third parking lot. Look for the trail kiosk in the corner of the upper parking lot.
Berg Lake Trail Facilities 营地不能生篝火,必须用户外气炉
All campgrounds have bear proof food storage lockers, pit toilets, washbasins and grey-water pits. There are no showers, no flush toilets and no fires allowed. Camp stoves are mandatory for cooking.
Robson Meadow Campground Facilities
Hot shower, Campfire pits, Cold water taps, Pit and flush toilets, sani-station is located on the Kinney Lake Road adjacent to the Visitor Information Centre ($5.00 per discharge)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsh ... XRGaTZvaWc6MQ#gid=0
***團隊精神 - 共進共退,友爱互助。
***义工组织活动费时费心,希望报名参加的朋友们有空也能在北美户外分享一些相关点滴图文, 有take有give有share.
1. 戶外活動有風險,一切組織和活動屬自願,責任自負。
2. 一切計劃會跟據當時天氣, 環境作靈活變動, 隊友應跟隨整體行進, 不可單獨行動。
3. 一定要三人一組結伴同行。每組備對講機一部, 否則每組定要保持在視線範圍之內。
4. 我们是结伴同行的性质,要求每位队友都要各自做好做足功课自己首先照顾好自己,了解行车和爬山的路线,不会手机导航的要自学,不能盲目随从,召集贴里有详细的相关信息,请每位队友细读, 并留意召集贴的更新。
司機注意: 如閣下持有Novice牌(Class 7), 除非在一名年滿25歲持有Class 1 - 5的人仕陪同, 否則只可接載一名乘客, 也一定是掛上"N"字標誌。請參閱 ICBC網站
1> 高幫防水hiking boots
2> 一對登山杖 with baskets
3> Car camping 早中晚餐, Backpacking 早中晚餐, 水果 & snacks,风干水果,Mountain House,方便面
4> 煮食工具, 餐具, 爐頭/氣自帶.
5> 一對手套, hat
6> 饮用水
7> quick dry base layer(穿一套备一套替换睡觉和第二天穿)和一套禦寒保暖衣服(e.g. 中间层+羽绒服), 防雨防風外套, 替換襪子
8> Backpacking背包 & rain cover
9> 睡袋+睡墊+帳篷 -- 在山上每两人share一顶双人帐篷
必要car camping装备
10> 墨鏡
12> 哨子
13> 头灯
15> 防晒霜, 紫外线反射很厉害
16> Trail Runner or 营地鞋
17> Gaiter, 防濕鞋濕褲又能防臟
18> Toilet paper / paper towel / 洗手液
19> 個人清潔用品, 如洗面霜, 潤膚霜, 牙膏, 牙刷,毛巾/浴巾
20> 大垃圾袋兩個, 其实结实的塑料袋若干,ziploc若干
21> 防水食物袋
22> 電解質 (比如 SaltStick Electrolyte Salt Capsules - 100 Capsules,天气热 需每小时补充一片)
23> 淨水片
24> 繩子 细绳用以 帐篷/Tarp固定,营地晾干
25> personal water filter
26> 智能手机 & 充電寶
27> 相機 / 電池 / 記憶卡
28> 基本急救用品 + emergency blanket
---- 公用物品清单 ---- 由领队分配携带,不必每个人携带
大雨棚/Tarp (1 for whole group))
净水器/Water Filter (2 for whole group)
急救医疗包/Emergency Medical First Aid Kit (2 for whole group)
Carpool安排 暂定如下:
starlight --- Driver
Jennifer Hong
Christine Chen
Eric --- Driver
Ingrid Young
Jen --- Driver
May Tian
Waiting List:
蜻蛉Maggie |