一名snowshoer12月5日聯同兩名友人到Grouse Mountain的Goat Mountain snowshoeing. 這名二十多歲的行友從Goat Mountain頂下山時失足墜下400米山坡而死.
北溫搜救隊經理Tim Jones說發生意外的地點需要冰爪, 冰鎬及繩索, 但這三人沒有帶上這些裝備, 況且他們只穿上鋼管形的雪鞋, 抓力不夠, 這也是導致增加意外的風險.
為一個年輕人的逝去而難過! 也希望所有冬季的戶外活動愛好者要留心, 在雪擔, ridge, headwall不要走得太開.
CTV News
A snowshoer fell 400 metres to his death Saturday afternoon on the North Shore Mountains.
The snowshoer, who was in his early to mid-20s, was descending from the summit of Goat Mountain when he slipped and fell.
Search and rescue crews were training not too far away, but there was nothing they could do by the time they got to the young man.
Tim Jones, team leader for North Shore Search and Rescue, told ctvbc.ca Saturday night that the death underscores the need for outdoor enthusiasts to have proper gear and skills when tackling icy and technical terrain.
The trio were snowshoeing in an area that requires crampons, ice axes and ropes. They had none of those things, Jones said.
"Snowshoes don't cut it," he said.
He added that the three were wearing sports snowshoes that have "lightweight cleats."
Since 2000, there has been one other fatality and one serious injury in that area, Jones said. |