发表于 2010-3-12 01:08:14
参阅DFAIT ( Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada) 网站 加拿大所有进出口许可均有此部门签发. 如果不需要permit. 你可以自由进出口.可以电话,fax letter 查询. http://www.international.gc.ca/c ... a_propos/index.aspx
Advice and Assistance in Obtaining Permits
To determine whether the goods you wish to import or export require a permit, read the subsequent pages. Or we would be pleased to reply to your telephone call, letter or facsimile; please clearly describe the goods in question, their country of origin and their final and intermediate destinations. If possible, specify the nature of your question:
•"Are my goods controlled/do I need a permit?"
•"What is the correct procedure for obtaining a permit?"
•"I need application forms or other documents (specify if possible)."
•"What is the status of my application (already submitted? when? application number?)?" |