“是个男人, 都打猎!”的新证: 普京掏鹿心当见面礼 吓昏贝卢斯科尼
Global Network reporter Liang Xu, Italian media reported that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin before the exposure and the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's something interesting between the means Putin Berlusconi shocked when they heard the spot.
环球网报道 意大利媒体日前曝光了俄总理普京与意大利总理贝卢斯科尼之间发生的一件趣事,指普京曾当场把贝卢斯科尼吓昏。
Italy "News" reported that a female translator Berlusconi published articles about the scene at the time. Time, Putin invited Berlusconi to Russia hunting. Time when the winter, hunting for a pedestrian only Silvio Berlusconi and Putin. Putin shot and killed a reindeer, spot deer to take knife to remove the heart disembowelling. Putin plans to this "deer heart" as a gift to Berlusconi, but Berlusconi too pale and faint with fear.
意大利《新闻报》报道,一次,普京邀请贝卢斯科尼 前往俄罗斯狩猎。时值冬季,狩猎区只有贝卢斯科尼和普京一行人。普京开枪射杀了一头驯鹿,当场取刀将鹿开膛破肚取出心脏。普京打算将这个“鹿心”作为给贝卢斯科尼的见面礼,但贝卢斯科尼因受惊过度脸色发白而昏厥。
WikiLeaks documents published on the website that the personal relationship between Putin and Berlusconi's good, on several occasions with his family to Berlusconi's private villa. United States believes that personal relations between Putin and Berlusconi have an impact on "the relationship between Russia and Italy, an important factor."
酷图 普京狩猎
英文romantic (浪漫的,激情的,也就是罗曼蒂克)和romance(恋爱史、故事、浪漫)的词根都是Rome,就是罗马。Romance还有罗曼语系的意思。中世纪基督教欧洲(特别是生性拘谨的德国人、英国人,也就是盎格鲁-萨克逊族人)认为罗马和罗曼语系的人(例如西班牙人、意大利人等)具有一种异教、异域、异国情调的味道,而且他们似乎生性多情、放荡、多愁善感。听听西班牙语的音乐、看看他们的舞蹈和民俗(比如斗牛)就知道了。因此,romantic,原意是“罗马人的”,后来便引申出“浪漫、多情、爱情、激情”等等的意思来。德语roman还有“小说”的意思,即“虚构的、不真实的故事”之意。
------------- 许多多大陆来访的朋友。 听说去山里跟看打猎,个个似乎兴奋。 可是一旦进山, 却每每惶惶不安。‘叶公好龙“ 之后 往往不欢而退! |
罗马帝国的后裔,擅长的 也就是----罗曼蒂克。就再也没有打过胜仗了!