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发表于 2014-10-11 04:39:12
北京——凶猛、机警、对红肉有无限欲望的西伯利亚虎(中国称东北虎——译注)库兹亚(Kuzya)已有23个月大,对于俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·V·普京(Vladimir V. Putin)来说,库兹亚似乎是一个完美的吉祥物。今年5月,普京亲手将它放归野外。
《新报》(Novaya Gazeta)本周报道称,“库兹亚还是有可能觉察到危险,在河流结冰前游回来。”
这一事件必然会引发讥笑,中国的一些人警告称库兹亚或许是间谍,俄罗斯人则称,库兹亚试图摆脱普京的独裁控制。英国《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)发表了题为《普京的老虎幼崽叛逃至中国》(Putin’s Tiger Cub Defects — to China)的报道。
在中国吉林省负责运营世界自然基金会(World Wildlife Fund)亚洲大型猫科动物保护项目的李茜(Li Qian,音译)说,“这是一项艰苦的斗争,但情况正在改善。”
国际爱护动物基金会(International Fund for Animal Welfare)在俄罗斯的负责人玛丽亚·沃龙特索娃(Maria Vorontsova)正在密切关注此事。沃龙特索娃参加了拯救库兹亚及其四个兄弟姐妹的队伍。将近两年前,一个偷猎者杀害了它们的母亲,于是这些老虎便成了孤儿。
杰安迪(Andrew Jacobs)是《纽约时报》驻京记者。
Kiki Zhao和Bree Feng自北京,Nicolai Khalip自莫斯科对本文有研究贡献。
‘Putin’s Tiger’ Crosses Into China, Prompting a Diplomatic Rush
BEIJING — Virile, canny and possessed with a boundless appetite for red meat, Kuzya, a 23-month-old Siberian tiger, would seem the perfect mascot for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, who had a personal hand in reintroducing Kuzya to the wild in the Russian Far East in May.
It turns out Kuzya, like Mr. Putin, has territorial ambitions, which this week drew him across the frigid Amur River that separates Russia and China. His arrival set off a diplomatic incident of sorts when it became clear that “President Putin’s Tiger,” as one Russian newspaper put it, was facing possible peril on the Chinese side of the border.
On Friday, wildlife officials in China’s far northeast were scrambling to ascertain Kuzya’s whereabouts after his Russian minders, tracking him by radio transmitter, expressed concern that he could up in the hands of poachers — not an unlikely outcome given the steep price a rare Siberian tiger can fetch on the Chinese black market.
“There is still hope that Kuzya will be sensible and swim back before the river turns to icy slush,” the newspaper Novaya Gazeta wrote this week.
Despite a spotty record of environmental stewardship, China holds animals in high regard — both as talismans of good fortune and as ambassadors for global diplomacy (see Giant Panda).
Mr. Putin, too, has a soft spot for animals, and he is frequently photographed cavorting with various wild beasts, including snow leopards, polar bears and dolphins.
In one of his more notable animal-related photo-ops, Mr. Putin, wearing white coveralls, strapped himself into a motorized hang glider in a failed attempt to lead a flock of endangered white Siberian cranes on a cross-country migration.
Given the increasingly close relations between Moscow and Beijing, united against what both countries see as a growing challenge from the West, it appears Chinese officials are taking no chances with Kuzya’s safety.
On Friday, the Foreign Ministry said prodigious efforts were being made to track and protect the tiger, which swam across the Amur on Tuesday after trekking some 300 miles from the spot where Mr. Putin presided over his release.
“We will make joint efforts with the Russian side to carry out protection of wild Siberian tigers which travel back and forth between China and Russia,” Hong Lei, a ministry spokesman, said in a statement.
The incident produced inevitable snickers, with some people in China warning that Kuzya might be a spy, and in Russia, that he was seeking to escape Mr. Putin’s authoritarian grip. “Putin’s Tiger Cub Defects — to China,” read the headline in the British tabloid The Daily Mail.
In China, many microblog users predicted an unhappy ending. “How long before this poor tiger becomes a rug in some rich official’s house?” one observer remarked.
Even with stepped-up enforcement on both sides of the border, wildlife advocates say about 40 tigers are illegally hunted each year. They feed China’s growing appetite for the tiger parts that are used in traditional Chinese medicine and tiger bone wine.
At $10,000 a carcass, the incentive for poachers is hard to resist.
Once abundant across the boreal forests of east Asia’s taiga but hunted to the brink of extinction, the Siberian tiger has made something of a comeback in recent years. That is due partly to efforts by the Russian government to combat the illegal logging and poaching that had reduced their numbers.
The tiger recovery effort has been one of Mr. Putin’s pet projects.
Wildlife officials say there are 370 to 450 Siberian tigers roaming the Russian Far East, up from 40 in the 1940s. Things are not as rosy on the Chinese side.
Fewer than two dozen tigers remain in China. Officials have made notable progress in recent years by setting aside vast tracts of potential tiger habitat, dismantling the snare traps set by Chinese villagers and imposing fines and significant jail time on those found trafficking in tiger parts.
“It’s an uphill battle, but things are getting better,” said Li Qian, who runs the Asian Big Cats program for the World Wildlife Fund in China’s Jilin Province.
On Thursday, officials with the Luobei County Forestry Bureau in Heilongjiang Province said they were installing 60 infrared cameras and dispatching workers to find the illegal traps that local villagers often set to catch an assortment of wildlife.
Chen Zhigang, the county’s forestry chief, said the government was also prepared to release cattle to supplement a tiger’s normal diet of red deer and wild boar, which are in short supply in China’s heavily populated northeast.
Officials, he added, were also working to assuage the fears of local residents “because there has never been a wild tiger in the reserve before,” he told the China News Service.
On Friday evening, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported that another one of the tigers Mr. Putin set free in May, a female named Ilona, was reportedly just a few miles from the Sino-Russian border.
Maria Vorontsova, director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Russia, is following the events closely. Ms. Vorontsova was part of the team that rescued Kuzya and four siblings who were orphaned after a poacher killed their mother nearly two years ago.
“Five tigers represent more than 1 percent of the existing population, so it’s important they survive,” she said by phone.
After spending nearly a year in an enclosure, three of the tigers were released in May in a nature preserve in Russia’s Amur Region. It was Mr. Putin, Ms. Vorontsova noted, who pulled the rope that set Kuzya free.
(She said she knew Kuzya was a fighter when, moments before dashing into the woods, he took a gratuitous swipe at the GoPro camera recording his release.)
While some of his siblings stayed in the vicinity, Kuzya was apparently taken with wanderlust and zigzagged his way through the sparsely settled Jewish Autonomous Region, safely crossing highways and railroad tracks on his way to China. Wildlife rangers who have been tracking his movements by satellite said he was eating well and avoiding human activity, the key to a rehabilitated tiger’s survival.
Asked whether she thought Kuzya was looking to make some sort of political statement by sneaking into China, Ms. Vorontsova laughed.
“Every animal wants a good habitat with enough prey and the possibility to meet a nice female,” she said. “In the meantime, hopefully he won’t get into any trouble.”
Kiki Zhao and Bree Feng contributed research from Beijing. Nicolai Khalip contributed research from Moscow. |