1. Go to www.riv.ca to see if the car is importable and the Canadian requirements.
2. Get a letter from Dealer/Manufacturer that all recalls have been complied with.
3. Here is what you have to do to export the car from the US> http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/export/export_docs/motor_vehicle.xml
note that you have to have clear title or a letter from the holder that they will allow you to export.
4. Take car to authorized depot for modifications.
5. After clearance to licensing bureau.
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How much does it cost for all the export expenses including change to Canada's plate number?
Which is cheaper, car price in Canada or US?
Depending on the costs to have the car conform, it should run less than $400+ for everything. Don't forget to get a letter from your insurance broker as to your claim status, as it helps in insuring your car. You would have to do a web search as to the prices of vehicles in Canada. Don't forget you already have paid the depreciation on your car by driving off the lot when you bought it , so if you sell and buy it will be a loss.