楼主 |
发表于 2012-11-2 18:05:07
Re: 温哥华到西雅图的三天骑行的计划
LD和我都是骑车菜鸟,行程正在计划中,会有不少问题要问,下面链接所示的是我计划的路线, 第一次不想太辛苦--途中都会住旅馆, 但好象第一天的行程偏长了些...
Hi, LuLu,
http://books.google.com/books/ab ... tml?id=RTx6AAAAMAAJ
I am reading this book, “Two Wheels North”, about two young high school grads cycling from the Bay Area to Seattle in 1909. Yes, it happened more than 100 yrs. It is even hard to think about what bike looked like more than 100 yrs ago. And They did in 54 days for almost 1000 miles, with five dollars and 65 cents.[/quote]
just bought the book and look forward to reading it. as for the trip, I want to be well prepared so that we can enjoy the trip more :wink: |