Halvor Lunden Trail (south)- west view point on Cypress mountain
Total Distance: 5 (return)
Estimated Time: less than 2~3 hours
Average Grade: 13.4%
Structure: Loop - round trip
Elevation Gain: 800+ m
Start Elevation: 155 m
Max Elevation: 900 m
Physical fit, Sense of humer
召集人: Beijihu
集合地点 A: Lougheed mall parking lot near the Bay
集合时间: 8:45a.m~9:00am
Suggest carpool fee:$5
集合地点 B: Buntzen lake parking lot (1km south of the main parking lot)
集合时间: 9:45a.m~10:00am
费用: free
The gate open at 8:00am & close at 4:30pm
1> Hot water 1~2 litres
2> 防熊喷剂
3> 防雨防风外套/雨具, quick dry base layer 和御寒保暖衣服