Schedule "C" animals can be captured or
killed anywhere and at any time in BC.
Schedule “C” birds may be hunted using electronic
calls. You do not need a hunting licence
to hunt or kill the following
Schedule “C” wildlife:
(a) Rana catesbeiana - American bullfrog
(b) all species of the family Chelydridae -
snapping turtles
(c) Didelphis virginiana - North American
(d) Sylvilagus floridanus - eastern cottontail
(e) Oryctolagus cuniculus - European rabbit
(f) Myocastor coypus - nutria
(g) all species of the genus Sciurus - grey
squirrels and fox squirrels
(h) Passer domesticus - house sparrow
(i) Sturnus vulgaris - European starling
(j) Columbia livia - rock dove (domestic
You do need a hunting licence to hunt the
following Schedule “C” wildlife UNLESS you
are hunting them on your property or they
are damaging your property:
(a) all species of the genus Corvus - crows,
except Corvus corax - common raven
(b) Pica pica - black-billed magpie
(c) Molothrus ater - brown-headed
cowbird and the eggs of this bird
species may be destroyed.
Schedule C
Schedule "C" animals can be captured or killed anywhere and at any time in BC. Schedule "C" birds may be hunted using electronic calls. You do not need a hunting licence to hunt or kill the following Schedule "C" wildlife: (以下动物可以在BC省任何地方以及任何时间都可以狩猎,不需猎证, 以下的鸟类可以用电子模拟器来诱捕)
a) Rana catesbeiana - American bullfrog (北美牛蛙)
b) Rana clamitans - green frog (绿青蛙)
c)all species of the family Chelydridae - snapping turtles (鳄龟)
d) Didelphis virginiana - North American opossum (北美负鼠)
e) Sylvilagus floridanus - eastern cottontail (尾巴头是白色的野兔)
f) Oryctolagus cuniculus - European rabbit (欧洲野兔)
g) Myocastor coypus – nutria (海狸鼠)
h) all species of the genus Sciurus - gray squirrels and fox squirrels (灰松鼠,狐松鼠,黑色松鼠,外来松鼠)
i) Passer domesticus - house sparrow (麻雀)
j) Sturnus vulgaris - European starling (欧洲八哥)
k) Columbia livia - rock dove (domestic pigeon) (原鸽,一种野鸽,家鸽)
You do need a hunting licence to hunt the following Schedule "C" wildlife UNLESS you are hunting them on your property or they are damaging your property: (以下动物需要猎证,除非在本人的Property范围内或者这些动物损到个人财产情况下可以不需猎证)
a) all species of the genus Corvus - crows, except Corvus corax - common raven (普通乌鸦)
b) Pica pica - black-billed magpie (鹊)
c) Molothrus ater - brown-headed cowbird and the eggs of this bird species may be destroyed. (棕色头的北美燕八哥,可以带鸟蛋)