http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/sun ... 0131108-093703.html
加拿大左翼自由党领袖,号称“未来的总理”的Justin Trudeau今天公开宣称他最崇拜中国的独裁制度(dictatorship),表示羡慕那种“政府想让社会怎样,社会就会怎样”,他的公开宣言今天在加拿大引起争论热潮。
Justin Trudeau是禁枪主义者,自由党上台,可能会禁止手枪,采取更复杂的制度严格控制长枪。
"Which nation, besides Canada, which nation's administration do you most admire, and why?"
There were about 100 people in the crowd at swank downtown Toronto meeting place who'd paid $250 each to be able to ask Justin Trudeau questions and, as the ad said, to "really get to know the future prime minister."
Ok, so other than Canada, which country's government does Trudeau "most admire"?
Well, first of all, Trudeau had to acknowledge one thing about his crowd: "Not the fluffy questi
ons some were expecting."
Much laughter and clapping.
Ok, then. Which country's government does the "future prime minister" most admire?
Answer: " You know, there's a level of of admiration I actually have for China ....
Wait a minute. China? He was not asked which country he liked a bit, or was doing a decent job - but "which nation's administration he most admired."
So here's the whole answer:
" You know, there's a level of of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say ‘we need to go green fastest...we need to start investing in solar.' I mean there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship that he can do everything he wanted that I find quite interesting.
But if I were to reach out and say which...which kind of administration I most admire, I think there's something to be said right here in Canada for the way our territories are run. Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and the Yukon are done without political parties around consensus. And are much more like a municipal government. And I think there's a lot to be said for people pulling together to try and solve issues rather than to score points off of each other. And I think we need a little more of that.
But Sun News can now report that I prefer China."
Much laughter ensued. Much laughter indeed.
The pictures on this page, incidentally, were taken this week in the country Justin Trudeau "most admires." And if he likes what they do in the territories, when asked what nation's administration he most admires, why not answer "Switzerland"? |