发表于 2014-2-17 17:39:52
Re: [问题]--BCMC 和 DAM 会有雪崩吗?
1. check chart
2. BCMC Trail = "Below tree line". DAM = "Tree line"
Stay away unless those are marked "low". 8)
P.S. Don't count on people who "may be around". Nobody comes to BCMC trail / Dam mtn with avalanche rescue gear. You only need few meters slide to get burred. Once snow stops moving it becomes hard really quick, as cement. Don't even think you can get out of it by yourself. Once you are under snow, without oxygen, in awkward position (head down sometimes), it takes only 5 minutes for permanent brain damage. I can produce evidence of such events happen on regular hiking trails, but don't want to go that far, those hurt were people I knew very well. Sad to use "past tense".
And by the way, hopefully you aren't going out there alone, are you? Be safe, don't become statistics. |