发表于 2014-10-7 22:03:41
我们自己有块300英亩的私地,是可以打枪的,但原来要是想打手枪,需要申请个私人靶场,让政府部门Firearms Office验收过后,才给ATT。 那么以后我们可以直接带枪去了吗? 也可以理解为任何公地,法律没有禁止打枪的地方,我们都可以挎着手枪去,只要不打猎就行了,可以这么理解吗?
Authorizations to Transport (ATTs)
The amendment would eliminate the requirement to apply separately for an Authorization to Transport (ATT) in order to transport restricted and prohibited firearms for certain routine and lawful activities, including:
traveling to shooting ranges for practice or competition;
returning to an individual’s home following Chief Firearms Officer (CFO) approval of the transfer of ownership;
going to a gunsmith, a gun show or a Canadian port of exit; and
going to a peace officer or a CFO for verification, registration or disposal.
带枪上班?别想了,BC有法律禁止带枪去Office |