发表于 2017-6-12 16:43:36
[分享] Grand Wall Rappel (15)
Summary, but definitely, not the end . . .
Chief,没想到今年和它有这么多的交集,也许我会在博士的潜移默化下,从先前的排斥到最后的越来越喜欢?这次Grand Wall Rappel,思来想去,不做一个小小总结是无论如何也说不过去的。
-- 学习到博士是如何针对这个Big Project做准备的(终身受用的经验)
-- 对一个未知的世界,应该有怎样的态度(Respect)
-- 学习如何收集、分析Data
-- 你未知的永远多于你已知的
-- Prusik (只绕了2圈)works very well
-- One leg climbing the rope in free-air doesn't work
-- Traverse from A to B is not easy with high angle
-- Extra gear is very helpful (carabiner, sling, belay device, etc)
-- Take my knife with me, always
-- Check if any knot on the coming rope while rappelling ( I didn't check this time: it could be very dangerous)
-- Extra rope for emergency is a must
-- Practice, practice, practice all skills in right method
-- Calm down, any time, any situation !
Anyway, I am looking forward to the next time! Hope Dr, too! And I believe, we will prepare better and enjoy more!