2019,五月十六号,by Gary Luo:
After practicing with women's team today, one thing has brought to my attention, which I want to share with everyone in the team. Everyone has different physical power condition, someone is stronger and someone is weaker. During a race, we need to use our physical power in a smart way. For instance, let's say in starting phase, everyone is required to deliver a power in 100%; during "cruising" (middle phase) 80% power is required; and in the final, using all the power you have. For those strong persons, you should do excately as what they required, but for the weaker persons, you should do your 100% to help the boat accelerating to the cruising speed and then during the "cruising", you can use 70% or even less to keep up you pase and form. In the final phase, everyone should use all the physical power that they have. Your pase and form (technique) are very crucial during a race. If you do not know how to use your physical power in a smart way in the race, you will be exausted before the finish line. When you are exausted, you will not be able to keep up your pase and your form will be easly twisted too. Obviously, if you cannot maintain your technique (keeping up your pase and maintaining your form), you will interfere the person behind you. This type of "interference" is just like "wave" that can travel all the way down to the last row of the boat. Hopefully, everyone can read this message. Thanks. @all people
Your technique (rhythm, keeping your both arms straight, hinge down, looking forward etc.) plays very important roles in two different aspects:
1) to keep the entire team as ONE, which is the most important thing for dragon boat racing.
2) to prevent yourself from injury. In an intense competition, if you do not do it right, you very likely get injured.
昨天与女队一起练习后,我注意到一个问题。我想与大家分享一下我的看法。每个人的体能不同,有人强壮,有人较弱。在比赛中,我们需要合理地分配我们的体力。比如,我们可以假设把比赛大致分成三个阶段。阶段一,起始阶段;阶段二,巡航阶段;阶段三,冲刺阶段。如果要求我们在起始阶段用100%的力量。那么,在阶段一,每个人都必须100%的用力。因为这是船只提速的阶段,我们需要在最短的时间内,使船达到“巡航”速度。阶段二,如果按常规要求每个人都需要用80%的力量, 那么体力好的人就一定要按要求做到80%,不打折扣。体力较弱的人,为了合理分配体力,可以根据自己的能力,做到70%甚至更少。在最后冲刺阶段(大概是距终点50米左右,此时Caller会提示大家),每个人都必须全力以赴,把你身体中所有的动力全部毫无保留地输出,传递到你的桨叶上。简单地说,巡航阶段是体力较弱的人唯一可以“喘息、打折扣”的时间。因为巡航阶段在三个阶段中最长,由于长时间过度的体力消耗,很容易使得那些体力较弱的人技术动作变形。如果你的技术动作发生变形,就会形成一个干扰源,这个干扰源会像波浪一样一直传递到船尾最后一排。所以合理地分配你的体力,其中的主要原因之一就是保证你的技术动作不走样、不变形。另外,非常重要的一点是保持正确的技术动作也是防止身体受伤的关键。
By 舵手 安德鲁:昨天混合队,整体有点乱,速度明显比上次慢
By 女队队长Maggie:
建议大家都把Kevin的录像download下来好好看看 的确是很不整齐[Awkward] 包括他提到的上面的手一直在船弦外 往下按压的动作 还有中间几排必须和前排保持一致才能把准确的速度和节奏传给后排