楼主 |
发表于 2008-6-12 11:52:52
强烈推荐Bow Valley Provincial Park
在通往Canmore的一号路旁边约80公里处, 有一个不为人所知的 Bow Valley Provincial Park, 园内有近十条hiking trails, 如Elk Flats, Many Springs Trail, Bow River Trail, Moraine Trail等等, 短则1-2公里, 长不过5-6公里, 有rolling hills(elevation gain<100m), 也有环湖小径, 还有一段沿着bow river的漂亮trail.
http://tpr.alberta.ca/parks/kana ... _maps/2007_BVPP.pdf
今年三月我们走过这里的大部分trails, 当时这里的trail上已经很少积雪, 现在肯定更没有问题. 因为距离Calgary很近, 这儿很适合early season时带着老人孩子来踏青, 可以视体力情况选择一条或者多条trail; 这儿沿bow river还有很多camping ground和picnic table, 很方便随时小憩, 三月份我们在Bow river上还看到了成群的白天鹅与goose, 这里也是拍照著名的Mt Yamnuska的好地方.
下面是前往该公园的路线(图), 来到公园的visitor centre, 可以免费索取这里更详细的trail路线图
Drive west out of Calgary towards Canmore. Just past the turnoff to highway 40, there is the turnoff to highway 1X, 80 kms from Calgary. Take the turnoff and almost immediately turn left into the park. Follow the signs to the Visiter Centre and then proceed past the visitor centre to the parking area at Middle Lake.
http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&a ... 3438197970676579577,51.078103,-115.091702&saddr=51.070419,-114.16151&daddr=Unknown+road+%4051.078103,+-115.091702&mra=mi&mrsp=0,1&sz=13&sll=51.055315,-114.202709&sspn=0.079199,0.150375&ie=UTF8&ll=51.020666,-114.2173&spn=0.158517,0.300751&z=12 |