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发表于 2008-7-17 02:03:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
世界日报    2008-07-16 12:34:56



研究对15岁或以上的受访居民询问,他们当中有多少人会向当局举报这些不文明行為。 结果显示,起码举报任何一种不文明行為者,全国平均比率為21%;全国第三大城温哥华的比率最高,达26%;全国第二大城满地可的比率亦高达24%;但全第一大城多伦多的比率仅為20%。卡加利和魁北克市的比率均為16%,全国最低。


以上各类行為统称為「社会不文明行為」(Social Incivility),此外有所谓「物质不文明行為」(Physical Incivility),包括毁坏公物、涂鸦、乱丟垃圾等。加拿大人对这类行為的关切度较低,平均為16%;雷振那居民对此关切度最高,达23%;其余依次為温尼辟20%,温哥华19%。
发表于 2008-7-17 08:09:08 | 显示全部楼层

道德 是否 因人 而异?或有 不同 层次 的差别?
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-17 09:35:37 | 显示全部楼层


        自从人类学会以石掷杀猎物取食后,猎人一直是技术的开创者。步入光电时代的今日,人类用于狩猎的器件更是日新月异五花八门。在浓密的树丛中使用热感知器便可找到受伤猎物的位置;遥控摄影机可追踨猎物的途径;现在更有电动式鸭形与鹿形诱饵、电子式鸭鸣和狼鸣器,甚至有全像射击(holographic archery)视觉辅助器等高科技猎具。

        圣安东尼(San Antonio)的一位老板最近创办的一个网站:www.live-shot.com,便引发了各界的骚动。世界各地的网路用户从该网站透过滑鼠的遥控,便可射击他私人牧场中放养的珍奇猎物或野猪。

        德州野生动物协会执行主任柯比-伯朗(Kirby Brown)说:“坐在电脑萤幕前玩视讯游戏,启动摇控的射击装置射杀动物的行为并非狩猎;而且也不在道德的规范之内。”德州的猎物委员会表态同意上述看法,并朝向禁止以遥控器猎捕本土的猎物。但针对私人放养的外来种猎物的禁令,则尚需经立法机关立案通过。

        “活射(Live-Shot)”网站的拥有者约翰-洛克伍德(John Lockwood)认为他的点子不过是现在德州盛行的射鹿方式之延伸,而且它可让残障的猎人与海外服役的人员仍可享受到打猎的乐趣。


        几年前市面上曾销售一种品名为Robo Duk的鸭形诱饵,这种饵鸭具有电动式的翅膀,其翅膀在阳光下振动所产生的反光会令鸭群误以为有鸭子降落于水面上。其上市后便被猎人用于埋伏点。后因其提供了猎者过于有利的猎杀优势而在宾州被禁用,华盛顿州随后于2001年亦禁用此产品。

        华盛顿州鱼类与野生动物部(Department of Fish and Wildlife)狩猎科经理大卫-魏尔(Dave Ware)表示:“Robo Duk的例子与现今某些先进技术面临的问题类似;它们给猎者提供了有利的条件。”这些新科技让主管机关面临了两难:禁用?或是缩短狩猎季节?




        俄勒冈州鱼类与野生动物部经理汤姆-桑顿(Tom Thornton)说:“现在(我们)有意回复到保持使用原始武器的方式来行猎。”现在有些打猎的老手已不再追求摩登,反而采用复古的方式。例如前华盛顿州前膛枪协会(Washington State Muzzleloaders Association)会长华特-克利斯坦森(Walt Christensen)已计画于下一个猎季改用燧石发火之旧型枪(flintlock),与他的猎友共同寻求挑战老技术的刺激。


 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-17 10:14:19 | 显示全部楼层
老上我文化不高,且老眼昏花。 这里想请网上的秀才, 翻译成清楚一点的汉字。 先谢谢了!


Hunter Code of Ethics
1.        Ethical hunters respect the animals we hunt, and, when we hunt, we do so responsibly.
2.        Ethical hunters are students of nature - learning as much as possible about the game pursued, its habitat, habits and life cycle.
3.        Ethical hunters support the concept of "fair chase".
4.        Ethical hunters are skilled in the use of the tools of hunting. When we shoot, we do so accurately and safely.
5.        Ethical hunters are true conservationists who believe in the sustainable use of natural resources. Our interest in wildlife and the environment includes non-game and endangered species.


hunting is a cultural activity of significant value, once deeply rooted in all peoples, and now being eroded because of a lack of understanding as to what true hunting is about. Game and Forest Management, Conservation, Ecological Considerations, Constitutional Issues etc. are all means to this end. They must continue to be refined and improved, but they in themselves cannot be the end goal. The end goal is that we retain a valuable piece of human culture which is global in scope.


Hunting Ethics

Hunting ethics is a term which defines the true standards, conduct and moral judgement of a sportsman. Some say that people's hunting ethics are also a mirror image of the rest of their personal lives.

Ethics for the hunter can be broken down into personal and public ethics. The personal ethics of a sportsman deal with the way he treats his, the animals and other hunters. Though often distasteful, personal ethics do not usually entail illegal activity. On the other hand, public ethics deal with issues such as breaking game laws, trespassing on private property, poaching, etc. Personal Ethics

Every ethical hunter should practice personal ethics as a way of showing respect for his fellow sportsmen and the animals. Instead of fighting over a particular hunting area, it is considered ethical to share the area or invite the other hunter to hunt it one day and then you hunt it the next day.

Personal disregard for another hunter's right to be in the woods should also be avoided, such as making noise to chase away game because someone beat you to your favorite spot, or putting on a drive where other hunters are stand hunting.

One of the most ethically irresponsible things a hunter can do is not follow up his shot. Always do everything possible to retrieve a wounded animal, including spending the entire day looking for it. Public Ethics

Party hunting, shooting an animal for another hunter, poaching, or leaving a deer in the woods because it is "just" a doe or small buck are not only grossly unethical, but also illegal. If the sportsman is supposed to be in the deer woods to commune with nature and enjoy the animals we love so much, it is reasonable that an ethical hunter would not even consider some of the above mentioned ethical and legal violations.

Today, hunters are waging a battle against anti-hunters. We're also waging a more discouraging battle against adverse publicity from those few unethical sportsmen who's actions give the majority of ethical, law abiding hunters a black eye.

Ultimately, public opinion will decide whether hunting as we know it will continue. It is our duty to do everything possible to win this war.

Hunting - Ethical - Moral
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-17 10:37:26 | 显示全部楼层
猎人的德行, 古今中外, 都还是有大概相同的内容。并不因为个人的经验。和科技的进步而有显著的差别! 对吗?

有那位,能够找出藏文, 蒙古文等等的猎人道德文章,翻译出来给我们看看。 谢谢了!

Hunting has two kinds of laws.

One is the written law that is enforced by the game warden. The other is unwritten. It is an ethical code or code of honor that the true sportsman places on himself or herself.

Most hunters obey the game laws, but that alone is not enough.  Without ethics, man or woman can be a licensed, law abiding hunter and still be a poor sportsman.

There is nothing illegal about shooting at a running whitetail deer over 600 yards away (with a rifle) or trying to down a bird flying over 100 yards high or shooting an arrow at an animal that is out of his or her effective shooting range.   It is certainly unethical and only a poor sportsman would try it.

The ethical hunter knows both the limits of his or her equipment and their shooting ability and always tries for a clean quick kill.  In addition, the ethical hunter obeys all laws when hunting. The hunter acts as a goodwill ambassador for the sport and for all other hunters.

He or She knows that the town, where road signs are used for target practice, quickly removes the welcome mat for hunters. And the farmer whose property or livestock are abused will post his land and forbid further hunting.

A real sportsman does all they can to grow in hunting skills.  If he or she is not a good shot, they will work hard at it and practice all they can. A real sportsman learns all about their quarry. He or she learns all about the range that they hunt.  In other words he/she has respect for their quarry and hunts it in only fair and sporting ways.  As an ethical hunter, a real hunter believes in "fair chase", and never takes unfair advantage of the game being hunted.  This principle of   "fair chase" is often part of the law.

On the other hand it may not be against the law to shoot a bird on the ground or a duck swimming in the water or a rabbit in hiding, but the ethical hunter will never do that.  

A person who takes pride in hunting and in themselves being hunters always hunts in such a way that neither he / she nor the game they hunt is ever shamed. The ethical hunter treats game with respect both before and after the shot.

That is why the ethical bird hunter, if they can afford to keep one, uses a trained bird dog.  The dog is used not to just find the birds, but to recover them when they are downed.

The big game hunter makes every possible effort to avoid wounding game, and if that is the case, all further hunting is stopped until the game is found.  He or She will even abandon hunting to help another hunter find wounded game.

The ethical hunter never takes more than the legal limit of game.  But more important, he/she never takes more than they can use.  Game is cleaned quickly and skillfully and brought to the kitchen in prime condition.  It is never wasted and real pride is taken in this because it is a sure sign of the hunter's skill and knowledge.   It also shows that respect for game is a part of his or her self respect as a seasoned hunter.

There are two main kinds of people in this world, the givers and the takers. The ethical hunter is a giver.  The unethical hunter - the poacher, the man or woman who breaks the game laws and sets no standard for his or her conduct as a hunter is a taker.

It is the ethical hunter who gives a friend the advantage for getting a good shot and who likes the odds in his hunting slanted in favor of the game hunted.  The ethical hunter takes pleasure in sharing the game that is taken with those whose land was hunted.

It is the ethical hunter who is willing to take the time to introduce a youngster to the enjoyment of the hunting experience.

The unethical hunter, the taker, never gives anyone an even break.  They are people who brag about their success when a limit is filled or makes excuses when it is not.  They will hunt private property without permission and show no respect for the land on which they trespassed.  The driving force is never the thrill of the hunt, but how much game can be shot.

While even the ethical hunter may never enjoy the full approval of the non-hunting public, the public may at least tolerate them.  And as public awareness of the hunter's significant role in conservation increases, anti-hunting sentiment may recede.

What type of hunter are you?
发表于 2008-7-17 15:40:47 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-18 10:26:30 | 显示全部楼层






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