Alex, how did you take those starry photo. give me some spec. Did you do some "level" or "curve" adjustment?
I took some picture at the sky pass mid-night on Wedgemount. Unfortunately my (canon pro-1) camera only shutter 15 sec (longest), 2.4F. Mine look a little dark, and mountain and lake are completely dark.
I will post some of my picture to let you see on the Photo topic.
個人的實驗技巧, 還有待改進.
用數碼相機拍攝深夜之星空, 要留意的地方是
1. 曝光時間不能太長, 超過3~5分鐘 (ISO100), 感光器會發熱
2. 曝光時間短,相片顏色不能顯現.
3. 15 sec. 實在太短了
4. 通常我用3~5分鐘曝光 (其實也不夠用)
5. 有大師說如能掌握到在星星剛出來時,可以不用3~5分鐘
的時間, 我沒試過, 我通常在午夜12:00時左右拍攝
6. 曝光時間短,照片黑了,那便用Level或Curve補償
照片質素當然會不高, 但有相片看.
7. 還有一点是,如可能的話最好用RAW format, 不要用JPEG.
調色時或用Level或Curve補償容易得多. |