The Cross Country Area is open today from 9am - 10pm with the lower trails open and track set. The majority of our upper trails are open and are packed and track set. Our snowshoe trails are open in excellent condition! Our Snow Tubing Park is open Monday through Thursday 10am-10pm from Dec 16th through the 23rd,Dec.24 - 25th 10am - 4pm and Dec.26th - 31st 10am - 10pm. Come up and enjoy the snow!
(2)雪场积雪厚度: 117 cm( mid mountain )
(3)滑雪场天气情况:此刻气温是 -4 度 阳光灿烂!(此刻):!:
(4)24小时内下了 0 厘米的新雪;
(7) 滑雪场共有滑雪道38条,目前开放22条道(够玩了)
(8)缆车共有7条:目前已经开放了7 条
自己坐车去怎么坐,在这里坐:The Shuttle Bus is running daily from Lonsdale Quay and Park Royal Shopping Centre.