猎人文档 有毒昆虫之常识
( Poisonous Insect,Venomous bugs )
常言道; 常在河边走, 那能不湿脚?!
对于吾等猎友, 老上我 则还要特别地叮嘱一句 常进山林转。 不得不防虫!
但相应的知识信息, 实在太多了。现在就简单地 ” 纲举目张“ 一下:
为了保护自己,很多昆虫的身上都有毒。而且大多数有毒昆虫都有着艳丽的外表,这是用来警告潜在的敌人:快给我走开! 那么它们的毒都藏在哪里呢? 蚂蚁、蜜蜂和黄蜂的尾巴上武装了一根毒刺,通过这根毒刺将毒液注射到敌人体内。
螫刺昆虫属昆虫纲中的膜翅目,有两个主要亚群:蜜蜂科(蜜蜂,野蜂)和黄蜂科(马蜂,黄色胡蜂,蚂蚁).火蚁是膜翅目中的无翼昆虫.蜜蜂科很温顺,若不激惹一般不螫刺人.蜜蜂的螫刺有多个螫针,螫刺后螫针一般脱离虫体.蜜蜂科的毒液含有磷脂酶A2 ,透明质酸酶,蜂毒明肽,蜂毒肽,激肽.黄蜂科的毒液含有磷脂酶,透明质酸酶和一种称为抗原5的蛋白.在美国,黄色胡蜂是引起变态反应的主要原因.。
大多情况下。大侠您 绝不会去主动接近昆虫。 而一旦被咬。罪犯昆虫都已经逃逸。 下面是那些恼人的家伙之分类:
履带式毛虫类 (Caterpillar Wallpaper )
见图 http://www.richard-seaman.com/Wa ... rpillars/index.html
甲壳虫类 (Beetle)
见图 http://www.richard-seaman.com/Wallpaper/Nature/Beetles/index.html
蜘蛛类 (Spider )
见图 http://www.richard-seaman.com/Wallpaper/Nature/Spiders/index.html
锥蝽类 (triatomine)是半翅目异翅亚目猎蝽科锥蝽亚科昆虫的通称,因头狭长似锥而得名。其中吸血种类是传播美洲锥虫病的主要媒介。
见图 http://images.google.com/images? ... mages&gbv=2
蚋 (Simuliidae)
见图 http://images.google.com/images? ... ;btnG=Search+Images
是一种比米粒还小的象苍蝇一样的昆虫。其成虫一般为黑色,外型似蝇,但比蝇小,属双翅目长角亚目蚋科一类昆虫,严重地影响了人们的野外作业,对家畜的危害更大,如发生在非洲一些地区可导致成人患者中5%~20%失明;在畜牧业方面,蚋也是鸡沙氏白虫和牛盘尾丝虫病的传播媒介。 蚋的体型很小,但叮起来很凶猛,往往大群出动,攻击家畜,几小时就把它们叮死。若干种蚋吸取鸟血,也有一些种类叮人并传播疾病。
野外活动、应当加强个人防护 , 衣领袖口紧扎 使用防叮咬的有关驱虫露 霜等,,降低患病风险。
很多膜翅目昆虫的螫针可留在皮肤内,因此不必考虑何种方法,应将螫针尽快清除.将冰块置于螫刺部位可减轻疼痛;阿司匹林每4小时给650mg以及应用 H1 阻滞剂是有帮助的.已知对这种螫刺过敏的人到流行区去的时候,应备带一个预先装有肾上腺素的针筒的药包.抗组胺药物有助于减少荨麻疹和血管水肿.有严重过敏症状的病人,毒液皮试结果阳性的病人和随后有遭受螫刺危险的人,不论年龄和过敏发生的时间,均应接受免疫治疗。
Prevention 预防
* Inspect or shake out any clothing, shoes, towels, or equipment before use. 穿衣 使用东西前要检查
* Wear protective clothing such as a long-sleeved shirt and long pants, hat, gloves, and boots when handling stacked or undisturbed piles of materials.穿戴有保护功能的衣物 , 陈封在安全地方
* Minimize the empty spaces between stacked materials.
* Remove and reduce debris and rubble from around the outdoor work areas.
* Trim or eliminate tall grasses from around outdoor work areas.
* Store apparel and outdoor equipment in tightly closed plastic bags.
* Keep your tetanus boosters up-to-date (every 10 years). Spider bites can become infected with tetanus spores.
First Aid 急救处理
Workers should take the following steps if they are bitten by a bugs:
* Stay calm. Identify the type of bugs if it is possible to do so safely. Identification will aid in medical treatment. 保持镇静 尽量确定虫咬的情况
* Wash the bite area with soap and water. 清水, 肥皂水冲洗
* Apply a cloth dampened with cold water or filled with ice to the bite area to reduce swelling. 冷敷
* Elevate bite area if possible. ???------老上我: 认为要 加压包扎 减少静脉回血
* Do not attempt to remove venom. 非专业人员。 不要试图吸、去毒
* Notify your supervisor. 寻求报告情况
* Immediately seek professional medical attention. 尽快找医生
----------- 总之 “ 要 警 醒 啊!”
---- http://baike.baidu.com/view/2694.html?wtp=tt
----- http://www.yangzhi.com/news/200607/2006_07_13_10858.html
How to Identify Poisonous Insects
----- http://www.ehow.com/how_2079106_identify-poisonous-insects.html
Poisonous Plants, Animals, and Arthropods
------- http://ehs.okstate.edu/links/poison.htm
Insects, Spiders & Bugs
------ http://wildarkansas.com/Insects.htm
INSECTS AS ALLERGEN INJECTANTS—Severe Reactions to Bites and Stings of Arthropods
-------------- http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1574754
------ http://images.google.com/imgres? ... n%26sa%3DX%26um%3D1
----- http://books.google.com/books?hl ... hAV7ErDPmotPYQ#PPP1,M1
----- http://www.richard-seaman.com/Arthropods/index.html |
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