同时招募义工 (义工的工作包括,安排协调大家的位置,餐桌,拍照,收拾垃圾等等,谢谢大家帮忙)
地点: 金耳朵公园, Alouette Lake South Beach, 这个湖边景色优美开阔,是个BBQ的好地方,还可以划船钓鱼游泳排球。
(这里有4个day use pinic areas, South 是较为齐备的一个)
Alouette (South Beach) Day-use Area: Vehicle accessible area located at kilometre 7 along the main parkway. There is a sand/gravel beach with seasonal roped off swimming area, no lifeguards are on duty; canoe/kayak/pedal boat rentals are available (see “Canoeing” above). There are barbeque attachments available on some picnic tables. Bring briquettes and barbeques, fires are not permitted. Dogs are not permitted in the main part of this day-use area. There is a beach area for leashed dogs between the boat launch and the canoe rental shop.
Open for summer season June 17– September 5 with full services – flush toilets, drinking water taps, changehouse.
Open for winter season September 6 – June 16 with minimal services – pit toilets only.
Alouette Lake South Dam
人数: 不限
地点:alouette lake in golden ears park, 湖边BBQ或者potluck, 钓鱼,划船 ,游泳横渡,排球等等
时间:July 30, 11:00am to 3:00pm
形式:BBQ + Potluck, 有人钓鱼的话,加鱼汤
已经和公园方面确认,不需要提前预订,可以BBQ,只须要注意,不能open fire, 不能用木头,其他的用煤和炉子都可以。
请大家跟帖报名,报名的时候说明 1.几人,如带家属等,2.带什么拿手小菜或者准备BBQ, 3.参与什么运动,例如,划船,草地滚球,比基尼沙滩排球,等等,无任欢迎
LuLu 两人
兔妹 3人?
Poker 2 人
星大 2人?
水玉枫华 3人
Millie 1人
康魔豆 1人
Dada 3大1小
立春 1人(义工)
棉花糖 1人
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