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发表于 2019-7-1 06:53:11
Denali myths
"..Expedition-style double boot, with high altitude expedition-style inner boot is mandatory.."
I used to be fan of double boots, I owned 4(!) different pairs. None of them were good - a day climb at 3,000m will end with wet feet - double plastic boots don't breathe. I met a guide on Rainier in 2018. He was wearing a pair of modern Spantics. "Not so good" he said - "your Nepals look great though". Consider this: Denali Base Camp is located 4,000 meters below the summit. If your boots are warm enough for the summit, they will be boiling hot 4,000 meters below - no single pair of boots will be good in the range of 25°C difference. So you will have wet socks, and probably blisters, and that's what often happens. Inner boot liners will get wet too. Once liners are wet, the insulation stops working, so the boots effectively lose insulation power. And then, people buy even warmer boots, which of course become wet even sooner.
We have climbed at temperatures below -20°C with our core "regular" alpine boots, just added two layers of extra insulation. Were warm and dry, and never understood why we would need Phantoms or Millets.
So we climbed Denali in our "regular" alpine boots. Only above 14K camp we added one extra insualtion layer, and on the summit day added one more (it was -19.7°C at 17K camp). Universal approach of layer system is the key, as always. If cold - add layer, if warm - remove layer. If you want to know our boot system (including camp footwear and other tips how to keep your feet warm), come tomorrow, don't forget to post your question(s) here: https://forms.gle/UiFGocCQP1CBFfty8
PHOTO: I used to be fan and proud owner of these. Not anymore.