召集:Enchantments Lake(难度D2)
2 Oct.: Vancouver--Leavenworth, around 320km, 3.5-4hrs by car, staying at Leavenworth; 3 Oct.: Day hiking,30+公里; 拔高1800+米,下降2300米。 放一辆车在snow lake TH, 再开车到Stuart Lake TH(13mile, 40mins drive from Leavenworth) 晚上开车返回温哥华。
Trail info: https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/enchantment-lakes#trip-report-listing-header
Weather info:
最新Trip report: https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/trip-reports/trip_report.2018-09-25.6748458740
过往Trip report: https://www.crossna.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=28041&highlight=%E9%87%91%E6%9D%BE
Driving Directions to Stuart Lake TH: To reach the trailhead, turn onto Icicle Creek Road from US2 on the very western edge of Leavenworth. Drive 8.4 miles and turn left onto Forest Service Road 7601. Follow the bumpy, sometimes potholed dirt road 3.7 miles to the Stuart Lake trailhead. Parking for about 20-30 cars and a toilet are available in the lot. Northwest Forest Pass required.
1. 必须是Crossna俱乐部成员;
2. 團隊精神 - 共进共退,友爱互助 ; 3. 参加人员需经过召集者的认可。
1. 户外活动有风险,一切组织和活动属自愿,责任自负。
2. 一切計劃會跟據當時天氣, 環境作靈活變動, 隊友應跟隨整體行進, 不可單獨行動。
3. 一定要三人一組結伴同行。每組備對講機一部, 否則每組定要保持在視線範圍之內。
Carpool费用: US$45/person suggested (往返约700公里, 司机付Day pass USD5.00)
參加者一定要持有效美國入境証件, 如:
1. 加拿大護照, 或中國護照+ 簽証+ 有效6個月入境小白卡"I-94"
2. Nexus Card
3. 由ICBC發出的特別駕照EDL或身份証明EIC
1. 一對登山杖
2. 防水Hiking boots,小冰爪
3. Gaiters, 防湿鞋湿裤又能防脏
5. lunch & snacks
6. 一升水
7. 手套, hat
8. quick dry base layer 和保暖衣服(e.g. fleece jacket)
9. 防雨防风外套
10. 头灯/手电筒
11. 防晒霜
8. 哨子
9. 墨鏡
10. 背包和背包的防雨罩
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Poker007; laowei; 新年; jenniferhong; 漂流; |