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冬之序 – 11月14日Round Mountain (Elfin Lakes)首次雪鞋/滑雪行

发表于 2009-11-15 10:26:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
踏入冬季, 一直未有機會出外走走. 這週末有空, 得知Alex & Camony往Elfin Lakes滑野雪, 便與Gloria及Rick跟他們同行.

週六07:00h出發, 08:50h到達Diamond Head的Trailhead. 遊人眾多, 大多是滑野雪的健兒. 早上天陰, 下午飄雪. Alex & Camony作他們今季的首次滑雪行, 而我們三人即走雪鞋, 自得其樂. 從Trailhead到Red Heather小木屋的路徑很清晰, 過了小木屋往Elfin Lakes的冬季路綫還未有標記, 我們沿着雪板的痕跡一直走至Round Mountain頂上便沒有往Elfin Lakes方向的路, 只見地上縱橫交錯的是滑雪的軌跡, 想是因天氣不好, 遊人都留在Round Mountain附近滑雪, 沒有打算往Elfin Lakes小木屋.

我們跟着地圖及GPS沿Round Mountain上往Elfin Lakes走, 那裏雪深及膝, 我們三人輪流開路, 吃力地走了約1km, 13:00h抵達在Round Mountain上冬夏路綫的交界, 仍沒有往Elfin Lakes的路 (距離小木屋還有3-4km), 而且霧氣漸濃, 開始下雪, 因約了Alex & Camony在16:30h回到車上集合, 便決定往原路回返.

下山時回到Red Heather 小木屋休息便遇到剛滑過野雪的Alex & Camony, 大家一起下山, 16:30h準時回到停車場. 以為己圓滿地結束了這次首次冬季之行, 誰知開車下山時更為驚險!

往Elfin Lakes Trailhead的車路在冬季是著名的又陡又滑, 尤其是在黃昏氣温驟降之時. 我們離開停車場時約16:45h, 看見前面的一輛小車左搖右擺地下山 (它的前輪配備雪鏈, 但後輪沒有). 我們駛至半途, 便看見小車的乘客氣急敗壞地走上來, 告訴我們他的車在前面打轉, 太滑了, 下不了山. 我們被逼停在陡坡的半途跟他對話, 想着Alex的FJ是四驅車兼備有雪胎, 應可順利渡過, 但想不到在陡坡上停下來再次啟動, 一開始便失去了控制, 車子在原地作180度打轉往下溜! 幸好它在轉了一圈後停了下來, 大家還是嚇了一跳. 在Rick與Alex的合作下慢慢把車駛到較平坦的地方, 再等前面的小車駛開, 如此花了一個多小時才安全離開. 沿途下山時看見路旁有幾輛車在山邊停下, 不能下山. 如下次在冬季往Elfin Lakes, 一定要配備雪胎及雪鏈, 及最好在天黑前離開.

儘管下山時經歷了一段小插曲, 這仍是一次愉快難忘之首次雪鞋行.

謝謝Alex & Camony的組織及Alex辛苦開車! :kx:


這次的天氣不好, 只拍了幾張照片.

在Round Mountain上. 下午的霧氣漸濃, 開始下雪, 路也看不清.

在Round Mountain上. 下午的霧氣漸濃, 開始下雪, 路也看不清.


发表于 2009-11-15 10:37:57 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2009-11-15 11:14:41 | 显示全部楼层

霧氣漸濃, 開始下雪

霧氣漸濃, 開始下雪

遊人眾多, 大多是滑野雪的健兒

遊人眾多, 大多是滑野雪的健兒
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-15 14:38:54 | 显示全部楼层
續完了遊記. 期待Alex & Camony跟我們分享滑野雪的體驗. :wink:
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-15 14:56:29 | 显示全部楼层

我們在Round Mountain上走了約1 km, 因雪深及膝, 開路很吃力, 天氣不好, 便決定從原路回返.

我們在Round Mountain上走了約1 km, 因雪深及膝, 開路很吃力, 天氣不好, 便決定從原路回返.

Red Heather小木屋, 遊人如鰂.

Red Heather小木屋, 遊人如鰂.

早上天陰, 沒有雪, 冬日的景色不錯.

早上天陰, 沒有雪, 冬日的景色不錯.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-15 15:27:05 | 显示全部楼层

ef004: Red Heather小木屋
ef005: 在Round Mountain旁冬夏季路綫的交界
elfin round_gps.jpg
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-15 15:28:57 | 显示全部楼层
Vertical Profile

**在Round Mountain上的路較難走, 開路時走走停停, 因此GPS量度的距離與會多於實際的距離, 跟據地圖, 我估計我們當天約走了14 km. 拔高的數據則準確.

Diamond Head Trailhead to Round Mountain. Vertical Profile. Distance (**may be inaccurate) and eleva

Diamond Head Trailhead to Round Mountain. Vertical Profile. Distance (**may be inaccurate) and eleva
发表于 2009-11-15 18:24:51 | 显示全部楼层
這是今季第一次滑雪, 也沒有預先在滑雪塲練習,
不過大溫的两個雪塲只開放一條初級雪道, 怎樣也沒有興趣.
這數天的雪下得很多, 看來確是滑野雪的好時間.
滑雪和走雪鞋確是難於混合, 很難領隊, 所以沒有召集.



G mm 和金絲一起下山.

G mm 和金絲一起下山.

下山時在轉角的瀑布拍攝,瀑布也給雪覆蓋了, 不過也聽到一些水聲.

下山時在轉角的瀑布拍攝,瀑布也給雪覆蓋了, 不過也聽到一些水聲.

到達了Heather的木屋, 很多人, 也有10人左右在木屋外的空地露營.

到達了Heather的木屋, 很多人, 也有10人左右在木屋外的空地露營.

往Heather小木屋途中, 用ski上山比用雪鞋上山舒服小許, 在平地時每一步可以有一些滑行.

往Heather小木屋途中, 用ski上山比用雪鞋上山舒服小許, 在平地時每一步可以有一些滑行.
发表于 2009-11-15 18:31:44 | 显示全部楼层
開車下山真的很驚險, 心跳, 流汗.
发表于 2009-11-15 18:43:47 | 显示全部楼层
一共拍了三個從小木屋滑回parking lot的短片,
首两套短片忘記選擇color,結果拍了黑白片.  :oops:

发表于 2009-11-15 19:41:10 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2009-11-15 19:44:22 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2009-11-15 20:46:05 | 显示全部楼层
Wow nice pictures and lots of snow. From my approximate translation, it sounds like all of you had a bit of a nervous moment driving down the mountain and so did other people. I like the videos Alex. Camony looks comfortable doing snow plow and parallel turns down the switchbacks. Were you planning to stay overnight or just go for the day?

Jinsi, Gloria, and Rick
How deep were your snowshoes sinking in where you had to start breaking trail?

Here is the forcast for the next few days. Snow Snow Snow :)

发表于 2009-11-15 20:59:53 | 显示全部楼层
看Camony滑雪的短片, 好爽啊, 比走雪鞋来劲, 都有马上去学滑雪的冲动了.  谢谢分享!
发表于 2009-11-15 21:09:59 | 显示全部楼层

看後, 好像還是滑雪有效率一點
发表于 2009-11-15 21:53:27 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-15 22:14:19 | 显示全部楼层
Alex & Camony滑雪的英姿.  :wink:

发表于 2009-11-15 22:27:23 | 显示全部楼层
我说呢,原来去雪鞋加滑雪去啦 :roll:
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-15 22:31:45 | 显示全部楼层
Wow nice pictures and lots of snow. From my approximate translation, it sounds like all of you had a bit of a nervous moment driving down the mountain and so did other people. I like the videos Alex. Camony looks comfortable doing snow plow and parallel turns down the switchbacks. Were you planning to stay overnight or just go for the day?

Jinsi, Gloria, and Rick
How deep were your snowshoes sinking in where you had to start breaking trail?

Here is the forcast for the next few days. Snow Snow Snow :)


Thanks Paul for your comment!

It was my first winter outing this season (and almost forgot how to put the snowshoes on...). Most people were skiing around the Round Mountain area and we couldn't see any trails to the Elfin hut.

We followed the skiers up Round Mountain as we didn't really want to break the trail. We travelled another 1km on Round Mountain in knee to mid-thigh-deep snow until we reached the winter/summer route junction. I guess the official winter route has not been marked yet so there weren't any people heading to the hut?! There was another group of snowshoers who followed our track but also decided to turn around as they didn't carry any navigation devices...
发表于 2009-11-16 06:51:43 | 显示全部楼层
Wow nice pictures and lots of snow. From my approximate translation, it sounds like all of you had a bit of a nervous moment driving down the mountain and so did other people. I like the videos Alex. Camony looks comfortable doing snow plow and parallel turns down the switchbacks. Were you planning to stay overnight or just go for the day?


Thank you for your compliments!  Actually we had a hard time on skiing on the powder and tumbled down the slope many times.  We could even hardly get up.  It was so frustrated.   :oops:  When we can improve better, I'll join you skiing in the backcountry.  

That day we planned to have a day-ski only.

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