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北美洲 最容易遭遇到的危险动物是? --- 兼作 回敬 “非猎” SB之素材

发表于 2010-3-10 09:31:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
北美洲 最容易遭遇到的危险动物是?   --- 兼作 回敬 “非猎” SB之素材

最近刚看到TV里一个节目(SPIKE), 知识问答:英文大意是;最可能遭遇到的危险动物是什么。我心目里的答案,和被问者一样想当然 ;

1。北极熊;   2。灰熊;   3。黑熊;   4。山狮;   5。驼鹿;   6。野牛;   7。狼;   8。狼獾;貂熊;   9。郊狼;  10。响尾蛇  云云。

后来才发现该问题的蹊跷: 美国加拿大这里 最频繁发生的动物危险, 竟然是 -- 鹿!Most Dangerous American Animal

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该节目认为; 熊,山狮在百来年的记录里, 造成的人员伤亡, 不过百余起事故而已。而鹿;
1)除了是 能够传播多种人畜共患疾病  / 野生动物寄生疾病的高手;  Zoonoses
http://www.hudong.com/wiki/%E4%B ... 3%E7%96%BE%E7%97%85

2) 最常见的 主动攻击人事故作俑 ”罪犯“。 见多不怪, 媒体都懒得报道!

3) 动物车祸的首魁; 每年记, 都过百余起死亡案; 请见前文 《北美 HWY 撞鹿事故》
https://www.crossna.org/forum.ph ... hlight=%D7%B2%C2%B9

http://www.associatedcontent.com ... n_north.html?cat=53

There are many dangerous animals found in North America but the most dangerous hands down is the deer. These "Bambi Like" creatures are the cause of more fatalities and suffering then any other animal. They also cause
more property damage then any other animal. All in all the deer is by far the most dangerous animal in North America.

One of the primary causes of fatalities caused by deer is caused by colliding with a car. It is also the cause of billions of dollars each year in property damage. One night after midnight the author had to drive down the Taconic Parkway in New York State. On this drive he saw over two hundred deer either on the highway itself or alongside the highway on the shoulders. If it wasn't for my caution surely we would have hit one of these deer.

It isn't only on the highway that deer are dangerous. On another occasion the author saw a deer that suddenly appeared in the center of the town where he lived. The deer crashed through the window of a beauty salon, wrecked the place and seriously injured three patrons with its hoofs.

More then one hiker has been killed or injured through an encounter with a deer in the wild. Deer have sharp hooves at the end of their forelegs, and they know how to use them to defend themselves if they feel threatened. A chance encounter with a human may end in tragedy for the human.

A particular dangerous encounter can happen with a wounded deer suddenly coming back to life, and kicking the hunter with his hooves. More then one hunter has been killed or seriously injured from an encounter of this sort.

Deer are also able to do property damage because of their eating habits. One of their favorite meals is your backyard garden, or your decorative shrubs. There is a whole industry devoted to keeping deer out of your garden, and another one that tries to keep them away from your shrubs.

The amount of damage they can cause by darting out in front of your car is measured in the billions every year. This is why some drivers equip their cars with little supersonic whistles mounted on their front bumpers so they can scare the deer so they won't dart out in front of them.

Because of a Walt Disney classic "Bambi" most people have the wrong idea about deer. They wrongly give them human attributes, when in reality they are wild animals. In many places the deer population has run amok  because of ill directed policy created by humans. This misguided policy is neither kind to the deer, and creates as very real danger to humans.  ----北美之鹿; 人们真正的杀手!

号称有猎趣多年  知识渊博的大侠您 不妨这样来 吹牛告诉朋友:
尽量不要逼近/吓唬他们。(如果不是猎季,来复杆在手)双方最好是 退一步--海阔天空!   鹿儿, 尤其是头有鹿角的家伙。它们是有攻击危险’的! 它们强大的腿脚,可能会突然冲过来,肆虐踢暴你;
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