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5月2日到 Blackcomb Mountain 滑春雪

发表于 2010-4-26 22:10:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
日期: 2010年5月2日Sunday, 一天來回

Variable cloudiness, 5度至17度

技巧: 能掌握滑下Cypress藍道的能力 - 如 Horizon

組織人: Alex Yim  604-781-9922

出發時間: 7:00am
也可以決定自已出發時間, 到時在雪道上碰頭

集合地点: St. David United Church
1525 Taylor Way , West Vancouver , BC V7S 1N5

Driving directions to集合地点:
在Upper Level Hwy 13 號exit, 過Taylor Way 的交通燈,右轉入教堂的停車場


回程時間: 4:00pm(Whistler關門時間)


carpool 費用:$20元

請列明開車或搭車, 自備equipment或租用, ski or snowboard。

如第一次參加俱樂部活動, 請發閣下手機到本人站內短信以便聯絡。

這活動以安全為本, 勿超越滑雪場範圍。
應根据個人經驗去嘗試不同程度的雪道, 不要勉強。

請參加者把你的emergency contact person & phone # 發到 ALEXYIM 的站內短信, 我們會把資料保密, 並送到俱樂部一位可信賴的同學保存, 以作備用。除非得到你的允許, 否則這些資料在活動後會刪除。

司私機注意: 如閣下持有Novice牌(Class 7), 除非在一名年滿25歲持有Class 1 - 5的人仕陪同, 否則只可接載一名乘客, 也一定是掛上"N"字標誌。請參閱 ICBC網站

 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-26 22:15:41 | 显示全部楼层
Ski rental:

You may book online to save 30% & pick up from Location
2 or 3.
http://www.whistlerblackcomb.com ... locations/index.htm
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-26 23:01:51 | 显示全部楼层
請留意上午會有點涼意, 但到了下午的時間會很熱的, 可以穿短袖衫滑雪.

身體暖洋洋的, 滑在冰涼的雪上, 感覺十分之奇妙.
就是這感覺, 你須要找著它.
发表于 2010-4-27 09:22:37 | 显示全部楼层
Lift ticket sold at the window is $55 + GST = $57.75.

711 stores don't sell any more.
发表于 2010-4-27 17:15:05 | 显示全部楼层
報名1人滑雪, 2人FB. :D

1人carpool, 租用雪具. 謝謝!

 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-27 17:52:40 | 显示全部楼层
報名1人滑雪, 2人FB. :D

1人carpool, 租用雪具. 謝謝!


我準備到餐廳享受一下, 但大家也可自備午餐.
(在一個暖洋洋的下午滑雪後,可以懶洋洋的在餐廳裏吃午餐--想吓也快樂) :lol:  :lol:
发表于 2010-4-27 18:12:42 | 显示全部楼层
Just skied two days in Whistler and Blackcomb.  I spent the first day in Whislter since it was the last day of the ski season at Whislter and the second day, of course, at Blackcomb.  Because it was in spring ski season, only limited chair lifts were opened yesterday at Blackcomb - Gliacier Express, Solar Coaster, Jersey Cream, Catskinner and Exceleration - quite disappointed 7-Heaven was closed.  The snow condition was acceptable above midway between Glacier Creek Lodge and Rendezvous (closed) and  anywhere below was slush.  Green skiers could only run at Easy Out but had to take the extremely slow Catskinner chair back uphill.  Please beware, all skiers have to go down to Excalbur Gondola for downloading hence they have to go through some slushish blue sections.
Have fun.
发表于 2010-4-27 19:08:17 | 显示全部楼层
Just skied two days in Whistler and Blackcomb.  I spent the first day in Whislter since it was the last day of the ski season at Whislter and the second day, of course, at Blackcomb.  Because it was in spring ski season, only limited chair lifts were opened yesterday at Blackcomb - Gliacier Express, Solar Coaster, Jersey Cream, Catskinner and Exceleration - quite disappointed 7-Heaven was closed.  The snow condition was acceptable above midway between Glacier Creek Lodge and Rendezvous (closed) and  anywhere below was slush.  Green skiers could only run at Easy Out but had to take the extremely slow Catskinner chair back uphill.  Please beware, all skiers have to go down to Excalbur Gondola for downloading hence they have to go through some slushish blue sections.
Have fun.

Thank you Arthur for the first-hand info.  
Too bad we couldn't join you.
发表于 2010-4-27 20:00:06 | 显示全部楼层
報名1人滑雪, 2人FB. :D

1人carpool, 租用雪具. 謝謝!


建議P同學帶一個小背包裝衣服及一瓶水, 口渴時可以sip一啖。
會在Glacier Creek Lodge吃lunch。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-2 19:31:12 | 显示全部楼层
一行三人在雪山暢遊. 有霧,視野也有清晰的時間.

7-Heaven 也有開. 看來春雪的季節可延續至5月尾.
发表于 2010-5-4 07:33:13 | 显示全部楼层
一行三人在雪山暢遊. 有霧,視野也有清晰的時間.

7-Heaven 也有開. 看來春雪的季節可延續至5月尾.

:pics:  :hx:
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