
楼主 |
发表于 2010-6-18 19:23:03
there is a huge gap between 11 and 4
I think the gap is little big too, but you never know. As Lulu suggested Lynn Loop trail is an easy one.
现在还是shouder season,雪线在一千多米处,温哥华周边各地的雪线略有不同,此时去Garibaldi Lake,个人感觉风景有限,主要是雪还没有化开, Lynn Valley是个很好的选择,可以走Lynn Loop Trail, Norvan Falls,但最好免了Hanes Valley(trail from Lynn Valley to Grouse mountain),因为现在正是融雪季节,溪流的水量大增,过溪和溯溪都有一定的危险性....
另外可以带大孩子走的还有Mt. Gardner@ Bowen Island, Brothers Creek Trail@ west vancouver, DIEZ VISTAS Trail@ Bunzen Lake, Belcarra Hiking @ port moody, BCMC @ Grouse Mountain 等等
另外到Red Heather的路全是logging road,一路爬升没什么风景.但过了Red Heather Hut后一直到Elfin Lake Hut---走在山脊上一路上视野开阔,满目风景.
Thanks Lulu for so much information. We probably did BCMC @ Grouse last year (or the year before?). "Probably" because the signs are so confusing, we might be able to arrive the same spot as Grouse Grind, but in the end we chose to go out and arrived around the middle of the "Cut". I am hoping to find someone who knows the exact route to go with, BCMC is much quieter.
I always want to find some kids to go along, not only the kids will find it fun, but also as a big group it is safer. So yelling :D, any one with kids wants to hiking together?
I may do an overnight camp at Taylor Meadow instead later into summer, so we could explore Panorama ridge/Black Tusk. Question, at Taylor Meadows campsite, is there day-time used shelter or food cache to store food? Creek to get water? Thanks a lot!
PS: I also wanted to go the Silverdaisy Mountain trail, but thought it is a little too challenge for a kid, and the come back time is a bit late. Will try next time. :) |