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A few cycling routes east of Toronto

发表于 2010-7-5 17:12:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
上次和Wang Yi和Worldy提起 cycle touring, 主要是想用自行车探探Ontario的很多美丽的backroads。因为大家在Niagara Falls和Toronto之间已经骑了很多次了,所以我想计划几个在Toronto东边的路线。

一个是从Toronto骑到Oshawa,根据起点和终点的不同距离大概在70-100公里左右(我计划从Guildwood Go Station出发,到Oshawa大概是70公里。) 经过Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, 回程可坐Go Train回来。

第二个是Oshawa/Port Hope/Millbrook loop,从Oshawa Go station出发。大概是160公里左右。下面是Goggle Map上的路线图。

http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&a ... r=767+Thornton+Rd+S,+Oshawa,+ON+L1J+7E2&daddr=Thornton+Rd+S%2FRegional+Road+52+to:thornton+rd+n%2F58,+oshawa+to:Coates+Rd+W,+Oshawa,+Durham+Regional+Municipality,+Ontario+to:Manvers+scugog+townline+rd+%26+Devitts+Rd,+Scugog,+Durham+Regional+Municipality,+Ontario+L0B+1B0+to:ballyduff+rd+%26+35+to:ON-35+S+to:County+Road+10+%26+County+Road+21,+millbrook+to:line+road+4+%26+harris+rd,+port+hope+to:Choate+Rd+to:County+Road+2+%26+Mill+St+S+Port+Hope+and+Hope,+ON+L1A+to:Lakeshore+Rd+to:Lakeshore+Rd+to:mill+st+s+%26+port+of+newcastle+dr,+newcastle+to:north+st+%26+concession+road+3,+newcastle+to:767+Thornton+Rd+S,+Oshawa,+ON+L1J+7E2&hl=en&geocode=FT90nQId-k5M-ynL0o4Vnh3ViTFkxcV7gTKCyw%3BFZaGnQIdPUZM-w%3BFae9nQIdAC1M-ynVj6mRrR3ViTGajg8qmJbSIw%3BFdLhnwIdRnBL-yl96dtERxfViTEWf3n_hDm5SQ%3BFT_8oAIdn-lO-yk7OjESCAvViTEgNpt7u_1IOg%3BFaR1oQIdp-RP-ynjX1e5-J_ViTEO-KENhhaKzw%3BFZ7moAIdBidQ-w%3BFTO0oQIdsA5T-yk7V44jCJfViTH-O7l-EtC7yw%3BFVRXnwIdWJxU-ykLMtlOArnViTHBe44Kj1BTnw%3BFTfsngIdGEZV-w%3BFdmingIdGl1V-yk_lcQM_8fViTHmicGbtJUZ8A%3BFRTZnQId9lVS-w%3BFRPSnQIdPWdR-w%3BFSX1nQIdTehQ-yld5Ti3XqnViTHCIoh9Nieo9g%3BFZtkngIdpa5Q-ynJye4eG6nViTEau9gnmmYzaQ%3B&mra=ls&via=1,6,9,11,12&dirflg=w&sll=44.0126,-78.622665&sspn=0.361973,0.891953&ie=UTF8&ll=44.025409,-78.590012&spn=0.361895,0.891953&z=11

第三个是Port Hope/Colborne/Rice Lake loop,从Colborn出发(需开车)。大概是140公里左右。下面是Goggle Map上的路线图。

http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&a ... ;amp;saddr=Colborne,+Ontario&daddr=County+Road+25+to:County+Road+25+to:Warkworth,+Ontario+to:County+Road+29+to:County+Road+29+to:burnley,+ontario+to:Macklin+Rd+to:Alderville,+Ontario+to:Regional+Road+18+to:Harwood,+Ontario+to:Gores+Landing,+Ontario+to:Plainville,+Ontario+to:Cavan+Rd+to:Ganaraska+Rd%2FCounty+Road+9+to:Perrytown,+Ontario+to:Sylvan+Glen+Rd+to:Choate+Rd+to:Molson+St%2FCounty+Road+70+to:mill+st+s+%26+peter+st.,+port+hope+to:43.971816,-78.062153+to:Colborne,+Ontario&hl=en&geocode=FZR2nwIdDIZb-yn7w4ZBsnXWiTG7JkAmlJttWw%3BFc6ToAIdZula-w%3BFcRgoQId5r1b-w%3BFe9togIddHhb-ynlYkhRegjWiTFZS1Tek1Girw%3BFTrMoQIdSota-w%3BFS-joQId67xZ-w%3BFXjRoQIdfshZ-ylJch6C6-PViTEGPJPro2y_3A%3BFeCdoQIdXRBZ-w%3BFT8nogIdG8tY-ymvd5rrrOXViTEPcKUjum3nvA%3BFYnsoQIdzqJX-w%3BFXx9oQIdAgBX-yk7XZNwbenViTF-ZiGki_lrMQ%3BFRo0oQIdDkFW-ynFyqSgRerViTG2eDV1QlV2Aw%3BFbbDoAIdSmtW-ynrmic34MHViTFFhkjUiWLPLg%3BFQetoAIdUgVV-w%3BFRxLoAIdys1T-w%3BFaMEoAIdpPBT-yndU7q8ArzViTHq4Ijp8VvLaQ%3BFQY_nwIdRs5U-w%3BFR7sngIdK0VV-w%3BFcznngIdRGZV-w%3BFbaXngIdOV5V-ykRZkN2AMjViTETxhPyGQlnhA%3B%3BFZR2nwIdDIZb-yn7w4ZBsnXWiTG7JkAmlJttWw&mra=dpe&mrcr=8&mrsp=20&sz=14&via=1,2,4,5,7,9,13,14,16,17,18,20&dirflg=w&sll=43.971137,-78.047647&sspn=0.045278,0.111494&ie=UTF8&ll=44.07328,-78.116913&spn=0.361603,0.891953&z=11

第二和第三条路线是我根据Ontario Bicycle Touring Atlas准备的,但不清楚起伏大不大。 Touring Atlas上看好像只有第三条路线开始是有一个大坡,至于它的定坡度的标准我就不知道了。如果有哪位朋友骑过这些线路希望能说说对这些路线的感觉。我今年计划不高,只希望season结束前能完成这三条路线。如果再有时间的话,些许会去Prince Edward County camping两天,骑两个loop. 这样明年就可以从Kingston继续往东了。 :D
发表于 2010-7-5 18:19:10 | 显示全部楼层
Rice Lake Loop 路线, 70公里 (也可以更长)

2006年的秋天骑过一次,开车到Port Hope,然后向北骑一圈。




发表于 2010-7-5 18:24:47 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 06:19:22 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢Worldy。这样看来这两条路线一天完成还有些难度。不知道在Rice Lake周围的路面情况怎么样。是不是很平整。

 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-6 15:20:22 | 显示全部楼层
不知道下面这条100公里的路线大家觉得怎么样。从19街到Lake Simcoe.


http://www.bikely.com/maps/bike- ... e-Simco-Leslie-loop
发表于 2010-7-6 17:20:24 | 显示全部楼层
这条线路也不错,路面平整,车流少,有些上、下坡,以前骑过几次,Wang Yi 作了GPS 等高图:

发表于 2010-7-6 17:41:11 | 显示全部楼层
how about this Sunday to Lake Simco? I can join you guys.

The school (bloomington and warden) is under construction now so you'll have to park your car on warden north of bloomington.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-7 05:21:10 | 显示全部楼层
在bikely上把我说的第三条Rice Lake loop画了一下。爬升足足有九百米。而十九街到lake simcoe总共爬升也只有380米。看来Rice Lake loop今年难以完成了
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-7 05:27:05 | 显示全部楼层
how about this Sunday to Lake Simco? I can join you guys.

The school (bloomington and warden) is under construction now so you'll have to park your car on warden north of bloomington.

Great! I should be able to make it this Sunday. Could we meet up at 19th Ave & Leslie St instead. I might just ride over there. If anyone else need to drive, they could park at the shopping mall at the corner of Elgin Mill & Leslie and 19th Ave is just 5 min ride away. We could get a drink in the Plaza after the ride as well.

Anyone else is interested?
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-7 09:48:06 | 显示全部楼层
Just checked my calendar and noticed that I would have to do this ride on Saturday. hmanto, would you be available to do it on Saturday morning instead?
发表于 2010-7-7 17:09:54 | 显示全部楼层

how about 8:00am?
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-7 19:15:21 | 显示全部楼层

how about 8:00am?

That is great. See you on Saturday morning then.

I have another friend to join us for this ride and he will meet me at Bloomington Rd/Leslie. If you still plan to meet me at 19th Ave/Leslie, we can meet at 8am there and ride north together along Leslie. If you just want to meet me and my friend at Bloomington/Leslie, I will probably get there at 8:15am.

Please let me know where do you want to meet.
发表于 2010-7-8 10:41:53 | 显示全部楼层
Bloomington/Leslie is fine. see you guys 8:15am.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-8 12:39:39 | 显示全部楼层
see you then!
发表于 2010-7-13 16:49:42 | 显示全部楼层
A few more cycling routes at north.
发表于 2010-7-15 13:00:51 | 显示全部楼层
A few more cycling routes at north.

The 70km loop (Muskauka and Rice Lake) looks attractive, to group ride.
发表于 2010-7-16 10:19:16 | 显示全部楼层

98 VIA Rail: 60% Off Canada Sale! Book by July 19

98 VIA Rail: 60% Off Canada Sale! Book by July 19

All aboard! VIA Rail is having a seat sale -- you can save 60% on fares to any where VIA Rails travels in Canada.

This sale applies to travel between July 19-October 31, 2010 when booked by July 19. The 60% discount is valid for Economy one-way or round-trip adult fares to all Canadian destinations (as well as to Business Class in the Quebec City - Windsor rail corridor).

Check out these savings on one-way fares:
Toronto to Montreal, Regular Economy Class - $54, regularly $135
Ottawa to Montreal, Business Class - $44.80, regularly $112
Toronto to Vancouver, Regular Economy Class - $315.20, regularly $788
To receive this substantial discount, tickets must be purchased at least three days in advance of travel. Seats are limited and this discount can not be combined with any other offer (including reductions for seniors, youth, students, or children).

For more information, or to book your trip, visit VIARail.ca.

Read more: http://www.redflagdeals.com/deals/main.php/alldeals#ixzz0ts2kAB00
发表于 2010-7-16 14:53:50 | 显示全部楼层

多伦多到Kingston 302km
kingston 到 ottawa 200km
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-18 09:01:19 | 显示全部楼层

多伦多到Kingston 302km
kingston 到 ottawa 200km

建议从Oshawa到Kingston. Toronto到Ottawa的train是不能带自行车的。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-18 10:14:34 | 显示全部楼层
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