Go quickly before turm left and up to the mountain
Elevation Gain: 1130m
High Point: 1320m
Distance: 18km
Time Needed: 7+ hours (You can reach the point in 5 hours)
Topo map and compass
New bear spray (fully loaded), be prepared !!!
Light weight shoes + plastic bags and duct tape
3L water if you don't want to filtering from creek
High energy food
Re: Go quickly before turm left and up to the mountain
Elevation Gain: 1130m
High Point: 1320m
Distance: 18km
Time Needed: 7+ hours (You can reach the point in 5 hours)
Topo map and compass
New bear spray (fully loaded), be prepared !!!
Light weight shoes + plastic bags and duct tape
3L water if you don't want to filtering from creek
High energy food