10月11日 Mount Baker Damfino Lakes & High Divide赏秋Hiking活动
组 织 者: 老 虎
活动时间:2010 年 10 月 11 日
建议每人Carpool费用:$20.00 (车主支付Recreation Pass费用)
- Trail名称:Damfino Lakes & High Divide
- Trail长度:单程6哩(约10公里)
- Trail难度:中等
- Trail海拔最高点:6563ft(约2000米)
- Trail的拔高:1800ft(约550米)
- 预计耗时:6~7小时
团队精神 - 共进共退,友爱互助 。分工合作,有FUN同享。
- lunch/snacks
- 防水登山靴Hiking boots, 登山杖
- 1~2升水
- 手套, hat
- 防雨防风外套
- 防晒霜, 紫外线反射很厉害
- Gaiters, 防湿鞋湿裤又能防脏
- 哨子
- 墨镜
- 防蚊水及防蚊纱网
- 防熊喷剂
- 对讲机频道:6-6(6主频道,6子频道)[/list:o]
记著进入美国一定要带有效的证件,如加拿大护照或EDL或中国护照及有效的美国签证,中国护照须有6个月以上的有效期; 未入籍的朋友请带枫叶卡。
关于携带食物入境问题, 请看这连接:
http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/trave ... LivestockandPoultry
需要CARPOOL的朋友准备两双鞋(一双是登山鞋),在开始Hiking前和结束后,换上干净的鞋,这样省去车主打扫车内卫生,谢谢!还可以再准备一双备用的袜子。爬完山,能让脚舒服一下也是种享受 .
1. 户外活动有风险,一切组织和活动属自愿,责任自负。
2. 一切计划会跟据当时天气, 环境作灵活变动, 队友应跟随整体行进, 不可单独行动。
3. 一定要三人一组结伴同行。每组备对讲机一部, 否则每组定要保持在视线范围之内。
Description, Attractions & Considerations:
A very popular mid to late summer hike, the Damfino Lakes Trail gains 1100 feet of elevation to reach Excelsior Pass in 3 miles. At Excelsior Pass is a junction with High Divide Trail #630, which hikers may use to explore the high country east along Excelsior Ridge (High Divide) to Welcome Pass.
The trail starts in an old clearcut, quickly entering mature forest. In 0.7 miles a junction is encountered. The left fork is Canyon Ridge Trail #689, which also connects to Boundary Way Trail #688. Take the right fork and reach Damfino Lakes in another 0.1 mile. Tiny Damfino Lakes are skirted by a puncheon bridge walkway. The lakes are surrounded by blueberry bushes, which turn a blazing scarlet in autumn. The trail reenters forest and climbs uphill, breaking out of the forest into an expansive meadow about 1.5 miles past Damfino Lakes. Excelsior Pass can be seen 0.5 miles above. Walk through extraordinary wildflowers in July and August, or wonderful fall color in September and October. Bearpaw Mountain is the prominent peak to the west. Once Excelsior Pass is reached, the white mass of Mt. Baker looms in the hiker's view. Glacier draped Mt. Shuksan and the Canadian Border Peaks are also visible. There are possible campsites below the pass and along Excelsior Ridge, but water is scarce once snowfields disappear in late summer.
The south facing Excelsior Pass and Welcome Pass trails, which access Excelsior Ridge, also known as High Divide, are some of the first in the area to melt out, making this a good early to midsummer hike.
The High Divide Trail starts at the Excelsior Pass Trailhead on the Mount Baker Highway (SR 542) and climbs steadily up a timbered slope, with evidence of old forest fires visible for the first 2 miles. In 4 miles the trail breaks out above timberline and into heavy brush. At 4.5 miles the trail reaches the meadows of Excelsior Pass, with its outstanding views of Mt. Baker and the Nooksack Valley The trail follows the crest of High Divide east from Excelsior Pass to Welcome Pass, offering miles of meadows with supreme views. Alpine wildflowers grow in profusion here in mid to late summer. Autumn brings brilliant color. Though camping is plentiful, plan to carry water, as the ridge is dry once the snow melts. From Welcome Pass the trail takes very steep switchbacks downhill through old growth forest to connect to Forest Road 3060.
Trail #630 enters the Mt. Baker Wilderness. In keeping with wilderness regulations, party size is limited to 12. No fires are allowed.
The trail is open to stock use from August 1 to November 1 and open to llamas all year long.
A Northwest Forest Pass is required for each vehicle parked at the trailhead.
老虎 1人1车
dream 1人
林 隐 1人
丽人行 1人
swimmer 1人
胡旋舞 1人
麓山 1人
yyle 1人
Irene 2人1车
thebeauty 1人
老游 1人1车
FromSouth 1人
Morgan 2人1车
Bronton 1人 |