发表于 2011-5-16 10:25:58
Hi, I'm a lawyer in Vancouver working on the Vancouver T97 reference case.
T97 carbines cannot be transferred to any individual licence holder, regardless of what notations they have on their licence.... 12(3), etc.
The only transfers for T97s that can go though are to a firearms business licence holder (who is able to posseses prohiobited firearms, which most of them can).
There were only 34 T97s sold, all from Lever Arms. They have about 16 more locked up in the store.
Another 400 are held by CBSA, and 800 from another distributor. None of these have been registered into the Registry.
Of the 34 that were sold, most of them have now been turned over to the RCMP. There are about 6 reference hearings going on. Only by filing a reference with the Provincial Court are people allowed to keep the firearms (until the hearing).
So, long story short. There are only about 6 T97s in Canada in private hands. If any of these people were to try and transfer it to your friend, the transfer would not be approved - unless your friend is a firearms business licence holder. And if the transfer did go through, the reference would be halted.
You and your friend should donate to the NFA and the CSSA to support the legal fight. That is the only way you will ever have the slightest possibility of obtaining a T97 carbine in Canada. NFA is the body that is supporting the reference I am working on. They are good people. At least they are trying to do something and not just bitching on the internet like everyone else.
Remember 12(x) grandfathering does not save anyone from anything. It is just a slower form of confiscation.
前天和Derek聊天時,他並不知道你轉載他的文章!只是個小小建議! |