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楼主: lulululu

本周六雪鞋活动召集BCMC+DAM/Goat Mountain

发表于 2010-11-25 23:50:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-11-26 08:40:25 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-26 08:59:13 | 显示全部楼层

我周日有事 :cry:
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-26 14:02:05 | 显示全部楼层
改为BCMC+DAM/Goat Mountain,集合地点不变(Kingsway夹Willingdon的Esso加油站后面停车场)。集合时间推后到8:00am

如果实在不方便到集合地点的也可以到Grouse Mountain的停车场和大家汇合,时间是8:20am

 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-26 15:15:31 | 显示全部楼层
BCMC Trail


A less croweded and slightly longer alternative to Grouse Grind. Often used as part of a loop hike to the Grouse Mountain chalet.

Total Distance: 3.3 km (one-way)
Estimated Time: 1.5 hours
Average Grade: 25.8%
Structure: Linear - One Way
Elevation Gain:  853 m
Start Elevation: 275 m
Max Elevation: 1128 m

Follow Highway #1 (Trans-Canada) to North Vancouver, taking exit #14 for Capilano Road North. Follow Capilano Road to it's northern end, at the base of the Grouse Mountain Skyride. Both pay parking as well as free parking along Capilano Road is available.

The 232 and 236 busses operate to the Grouse Mountain parking lot daily. For bus schedules and information, visit the Translink website.

Trailhead is the same as Grouse Grind, but the trail is the route that runs beside the Grind on the right ( east)

This trail is a slightly longer route to the Grouse Chalet, and usually gets somewhat less traffic. Scenery is similar, but the upper reaches of the trail crosses through some old growth forest. As with all trails up Grouse, it's a steep track and a good workout, and the usual cautions apply.

Start hiking up the Grouse Grind. About 200m in there is a junction, the GG heads up to the left. Keep straight here and cross a dry creekbed. On the other side of the creekbed there is another junction (the Baden Powell trail heads straight), turn left here heading up the hill, following the markers.

Once you reach the chalet, you can hike down or take the Grouse Mountain Skyride for a fee of five dollars

Itemized description of trail:

* Parking Lot 292 m

* Tag #2 338m Junction with BP Trail

* Tag # 17 415m Trail starts to switchback more steeply here

* Tag #27 478m Tree fell Dec 06 creating an archway over the trail

* Tag #31 Junction. Trail goes left (facing uphill) into ravine of creek then follows ravine up about 100 m and then climbs steeply out of ravine to rejoin BCMC trail at Tag#46. This is also a crossover to the Grind. It also connects to the Flint and Feather Trail. This is also the 1/4 point in elevation for the BCMC. There are two white stripes painted on the uphill side of a tree on the trail.

* Tag #46 Junction. A Trail comes out of ravine. There is a blue X painted on a tree left of the trail

* Tag #57 Junction. A trail goes to the right, it is the old BCMC and it continues to the junction with the Larson Trail at the "Private Property" signs. Tags begin about 50m along trail. There is a pleasant viewpoint on this trail about 100 m west of the Larson junction.

* Tag #78 688m Junction. A trail goes to the right downhill and it continues to a junction with the Larson Trail at the same place as the previous trail.

* Tag # 81 700m White paint on a tree. This is the site of a former cabin and now has a dense patch of small trees on a rock ledge above the trail. This is the half way point in elevation.

* Tag #88 736m A University of Toronto Air Quality Research project with a "Do Not Touch" sign is visible above the trail.

* Tag #99 805m

* Tag #118 907m Junction. Larson Trail goes to the right downhill. This is the 3/4 point.

* Tag # 129 971m Viewpoint for Capilano Lake

* Tag # 135 1001m Another Viewpoint with Simic Trail very near right side of trail.

* Tag #138 1026m Bridge over small creek

* Tag # 145 1065m Road just ahead. Flint and Feather joins BCMC near here.

* Pipeline 1075m

* Grouse Grind Timer Clock 1110m

* Top of Red Skyride 1118m

Return to parking lot, altimeter now reads 285m , seven meters lower than before.

This makes total elevation gain to be 1110 - 292 = 818m
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-26 15:16:49 | 显示全部楼层
Dam Mountain


Total Distance: 5.1 km (return)
Estimated Time: 2 hours
Average Grade: 10.4%
Structure: Loop - Partial
Elevation Gain:  264 m
Start Elevation: 1085 m
Max Elevation: 1349 m

Follow Highway #1 (Trans-Canada) to North Vancouver, taking exit #14 for Capilano Road North. Follow Capilano Road to it's northern end, at the base of the Grouse Mountain Skyride. Both pay parking as well as free parking along Capilano Road is available.

The 232 and 236 busses operate to the Grouse Mountain parking lot daily. For bus schedules and information, visit the Translink website.

Route starts from the Grouse Alpine Area kiosk which is 1.2 km from the skyride. Moderately difficult route going up the south side of Dam Mountain, then along the ridge; steeper and slippier going down the north side back to the alpine trail. There are many side trails - follow the flagging. Views face westward over the Capilano watershed.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-26 15:21:42 | 显示全部楼层
Goat Mountain Trail


From commercial development on Grouse Mountain, a good trail leads to Goat Mountain

to Goat Mountain
Total Distance: 6.7 km (return)
Estimated Time: 4.5 hours
Average Grade: 9.4%
Structure: Linear - Return
Elevation Gain:  316 m
Start Elevation: 1085 m
Max Elevation: 1401 m

to Goat Ridge Viewpoint
Total Distance: 10.2 km (return)
Estimated Time: 5 - 6 hours
Average Grade: 6.2%
Structure: Linear - Return
Elevation Gain:  316 m
Start Elevation: 1085 m
Max Elevation: 1401 m

Follow Highway #1 (Trans-Canada) to North Vancouver, taking exit #14 for Capilano Road North. Follow Capilano Road to it's northern end, at the base of the Grouse Mountain Skyride. Both pay parking as well as free parking along Capilano Road is available.

The 232 and 236 busses operate to the Grouse Mountain parking lot daily. For bus schedules and information, visit the Translink website.

Begin at the chalet and walk up the road past the grizzly pen. Sign in at the kiosk, and continue on the main trail,avoiding signs for Dam Mountain loop. Turn right and east at the Goat Mtn/Crown Mountain Trail junction. From here it's a question of following the markers up to the summit of Goat Mountain

It's a beautiful hike through old growth mountain hemlock and yellow cedar forest, and a fine view from the summit of surrounding mountains in all directions, plus Vancouver and the Fraser Delta.

Rough, steep route, unsuitable for children. Most of the trail is hiking or clambering, but there are a chain and two ropes on the section going up the mountain (the chain and a rope just before the ridge trail splits off; another rope further up on the west ascent). It's steep, but not exposed.

To get to the ridge, ascend to Goat Mtn. or follow trail around the southern side. Both trails meet up on the eastern side and from there a flagged route heads towards the end of the ridge. Some elevation gains and losses on route. Small tarns are on the ridge, good for a refreshing dip. A nice winter destination as well.

In snow conditions this becomes a serious backcountry hike, crampons and ice axe recommended- deaths and injuries have occurred here. Lynn Headwaters Park usually closes this route in winter and early spring months.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-26 15:24:48 | 显示全部楼层

***安全起见视实际情况决定,Goat Mountain我们不一定会登顶***
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-26 15:32:20 | 显示全部楼层
一年前Goat Mountain出的事故:

Dec 5, 09 - Snowshoer在Goat Mountain不幸罹難

Death on Goat Mountain (CT thread)

http://www.clubtread.com/sforum/ ... amp;amp;whichpage=1
http://www.clubtread.com/sforum/ ... amp;amp;whichpage=2
http://www.clubtread.com/sforum/ ... amp;amp;whichpage=3
发表于 2010-11-26 18:34:59 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-26 18:36:39 | 显示全部楼层

云杉 Driver
老邹 Driver

无非 (meet us at Grouse Mountain Parking lot 8:20am)
发表于 2010-11-26 20:50:26 | 显示全部楼层
sorry, 我不去了,你们玩好!
发表于 2010-11-26 23:09:12 | 显示全部楼层
阿拉明天还得继续上班了 :(
发表于 2010-11-26 23:12:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-11-27 01:09:07 | 显示全部楼层
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