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本周六雪鞋day hiking活动召集---Mt.Mulligan in Squamish(3月19日)

发表于 2011-3-15 20:39:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本周六雪鞋day hiking活动召集---Mt.Mulligan in Squamish(3月19日)

Distance(round trip): ~22km
Elevation Gain: ~1000+m

Thanks Jinsi MM for GPS info:


St. David United Church 的parking lot
1525 Taylor Way , West Vancouver , BC V7S 1N5

领队: 无非,Eric
秘书: lulu

联系电话: 6048899548 or 778-858-6933

Carpool费用: $20

團隊精神 - 共進共退,友爱互助。

1. 戶外活動有風險,一切組織和活動屬自願,責任自負。

2. 一切計劃會跟據當時天氣, 環境作靈活變動, 隊友應跟隨整體行進, 不可單獨行動。

3. 一定要三人一組結伴同行。每組備對講機一部, 否則每組定要保持在視線範圍之內。

司機注意: 如閣下持有Novice牌(Class 7), 除非在一名年滿25歲持有Class 1 - 5的人仕陪同, 否則只可接載一名乘客, 也一定是掛上"N"字標誌。請參閱 ICBC網站


1> lunch & snacks
2> 防水Hiking boots +Gaiter+SnowShoes+microspike
3> 1.5升水 (带热水,不要用水袋,会结冰better to bring some hot water in the themos)
4> 一對手套+hat
5> quick dry base layer 和一套御寒保暖衣服(e.g. fleece/down jacket)
6> 防雨防风外套
7> 头灯/手电筒
8> Day hiking背包及rain cover
9> 防晒霜
11> Gaiters,防雪防湿鞋湿裤又能防脏
12> 哨子
13> 登山杖
14> 雨具


需要CARPOOL的朋友准备两双鞋(一双是登山鞋),在开始Hiking前和结束后,换上干净的鞋,这样省去车主打扫车内卫生,谢谢!还可以再准备一双备用的袜子。爬完山,能让脚舒服一下也是种享受 .


https://www.crossna.org/forum.ph ... =5846&postno=15

Pic from our previous trip there:

发表于 2011-3-15 21:17:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-3-15 22:00:54 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-17 07:11:11 | 显示全部楼层
I have edited the 2008 GPS track........

GPS data from Jinsi MMs. Thanks!

Driving Direction:

Drive Hwy 99 towards Squamish. Turn onto Mamquam FSR. Follow this to the mile 5 marker and park on the right where a blocked road heads off to the right.


From parking walk up the old road and keep right at the next junction 500m in. Follow the road upwards keeping left at another junction 2km or further up. Stay with the main road beyond this ignoring overgrown spurs. Eventually you will come around a bend and the south peak of Mulligan comes into view.

There are two peaks for Mulligan. The north lower peak is incorrectly labelled as the summit on some maps. Follow the road to its end in a bowl. Straight ahead is the saddle between the two summits. On snow it is easier to head up to the saddle keeping more to the right.

Once at the saddle, turn right (south) and ascend steep in places slopes to the summit. Great views of the Sky Pilot area.


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发表于 2011-3-17 22:08:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-3-17 22:21:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-3-17 22:25:02 | 显示全部楼层
新鞋走会有什么后果? :roll:
发表于 2011-3-17 22:27:05 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2011-3-17 22:30:13 | 显示全部楼层
carpool 一人 谢谢!
发表于 2011-3-18 07:39:37 | 显示全部楼层
Hi Lulu,

We shall have 5 people to join.
Two questions.
How far can my 2WD go along Mac Blo Logging Road? Can we meet at the TH or at the junction of Sea-to-Sky Hwy and Mac Blo Logging Road?
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-18 08:06:40 | 显示全部楼层
Hi Lulu,

We shall have 5 people to join.
Two questions.
How far can my 2WD go along Mac Blo Logging Road? Can we meet at the TH or at the junction of Sea-to-Sky Hwy and Mac Blo Logging Road?

I do not know the current Mamquam FSR condition, 2wd is able to drive all the way to the trail head if the condition is good(5 mile from 99HWY). We can ferry the ppl if the road condition is bad.

Can we meet at the junction of Sea-to-Sky Hwy and Mamquam FSR @8:00am?
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-18 10:22:47 | 显示全部楼层
I scanned Squamish Trail Map and drew some route lines, we won't take route which NSH used, i'll follow the the logging road(red line),then continue up to the col with the main summit, from here,follow the north ridge to the peak(green line).

BTW:It says the name Mt. Mulligan is incorrectly placed on map 92G//11, i think as well as on the map i posted, it should be moved to the summit 1 km S.

Mulligan NW spur

Condition: Ditched, driveable. The recommended route to Mount Mulligan.

General Route: Swings south around the west side of Mount Mulligan towards Ray Creek. Terminates high on Mulligan, near 1200m.

How To Find: From km 7 on Mamquam Main, Milepost 5, the main road turns left and levels off, the Mulligan roads turn right (go straight ahead) towards Mount Mulligan. Go right at the first Y fork, ~100m from the mainline (left goes to the deactivated NE spur). At the second Y, about 2km up, go left. The road climbs right into the headwaters of Ray Creek directly below Mount Mulligan. The main summit is south of the creek. This is a recommended winter ski trip and an easy summer hiking approach. [The second fork at Km 2 eventually joins Stawamus-Indian Road. This fork has reportedly also been used to ascend Mulligan.]

Waypoints: DD-WGS84   DM-WGS84   DMS-WGS84   UTM-WGS84   UTM-NAD27c   Help

49°42.8' -123°04.0' =Km 0 Mamquam Main
49°42.8' -123°03.9' =Km 0 Jct Mulligan NE spur
49°42.3' -123°04.6' =forks
49°41.1' -123°02.7' =North peak of Mount Mulligan
49°40.5' -123°02.7' =South Peak

[quote]Mt Mulligan is an insignificant peak east of Squamish, but it offers a better workout than the local mountains, as well as some good skiing and perhaps the best views of the Skypilots. Unfortunately the original approach via the logging roads above Raffuse Cr. has become very unpleasant and almost unusable with deactivation of the roads. The new route uses a logging road on the NW side of the mountain.
To get to it follow the Mamquam River main to about 7 km from the highway. Go straight, where the main road levels of to the left and continue for 100m to where the original route went straight ahead. Update 2006: Now gated at turn off. Turn right steeply through tall second growth. This road is ditched also, but driveable. It is easy to follow as there are no major forks requiring decision making. It gradually makes its way around to the Westside of the mountain before switchbacking to a recent clear-cut at 1200m. If the 5000’ peak marked Mulligan on the map is your objective, head east up to the wooded ridge. The ridge is wide and climbs at an easy grade through widely spaced medium size trees and makes for great tree skiing, particularly with fresh snow when the higher peak to the south may be more hazardous. If you want to go to the 5300’ S peak, follow the road for another km into the level valley to below the saddle between the two peaks. Ascend steeply to the S side of the broad saddle, then climb the open ridge over some steep steps to the peak. The narrow ridge between the N peak and the saddle is also skiable but not very pleasant.

Mamquam River Main info:

How To Find: The Mamquam River Forest Service Road (FSR) leaves Highway 99 about 1 km south of Squamish at the Apron parking lot (Stawamus Chief Provincial Park). At Mile 18 the road branches into the major east and south forks of Mamquam River. The loggers have named these E-Main and S-Main. S-Main is arbitrarily chosen as the continuation of the mainline.

Waypoints: DD-WGS84   DM-WGS84   DMS-WGS84   UTM-WGS84   UTM-NAD27c   Help
49°41.3' -123°08.8' =Km 0 Hwy 99 Apron parking
49°42.3' -123°06.9' =Km 3.2 Stawamus River
49°42.3' -123°06.9' =Ring Creek road
49°42.4' -123°06.3' =Km 3.9 Stawamus/Indian Road
49°42.8' -123°04.0' =Km 7 Mount Mulligan spur
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-18 13:25:53 | 显示全部楼层
明天请大家吃过早饭再集合,这次不会停Squamish的A & W或麦当劳,因为车在进入Squamish的Downtown前就右拐进Mamquam FSR路了


...Point A of the link below is the junction of Sea-to-Sky Hwy and Mamquam FSR.

http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&a ... mp;daddr=49.7097511,-123.0983354+to:Mac+Blo+Logging+Rd,+Squamish-Lillooet+D,+BC+V0N+1T0&geocode=Feow9gIdXuyo-A%3BFbeC9gIdIaup-Cl7MqK32_mGVDF9wfiKXtHyNA%3BFROT9gIdOSCq-CnlXozV_PmGVDGVaAZXRt_lVQ&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrsp=1&sz=14&via=1&sll=49.696228,-123.085499&sspn=0.041306,0.076303&ie=UTF8&ll=49.687067,-123.131418&spn=0.041314,0.076303&z=14

See you tomorrow 8:00am at the junction of Sea-to-Sky Hwy and Mamquam FSR...
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-18 18:30:09 | 显示全部楼层

St. David United Church 的parking lot
1525 Taylor Way , West Vancouver , BC V7S 1N5

 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-18 18:33:14 | 显示全部楼层
white snow
carpool 一人 谢谢!

发表于 2011-3-18 19:04:39 | 显示全部楼层
新鞋走会有什么后果? :roll:

发表于 2011-3-18 20:06:05 | 显示全部楼层
新鞋走会有什么后果? :roll:

发表于 2011-3-18 21:47:09 | 显示全部楼层
[quote]white snow
carpool 一人 谢谢!


知道了。谢谢Lulu :D
发表于 2011-3-19 19:16:53 | 显示全部楼层
报平安  :)
发表于 2011-3-19 21:38:10 | 显示全部楼层
报平安  :)

这么好的天,一定很享受吧。  :cb:  :hx:
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