楼主 |
发表于 2011-7-12 19:51:38
集合時間: 7月16日 6:00am正
集合地點: Kingsway夹Willingdon的Esso加油站后面停車場。
請準時, 逾時不候。
會在Chilliwack Tim Hortons停留20分鍾吃早飯。
Tim address: 7670 Vedder Road, Sardis, V2R 4G9
1. From Hwy 1 take exit 119, turn right towards Sardis.
2. You are on Vedder Road.
3. Left turn onto Luckakuck Way.
由Tim Hortons到Trailhead行車路線:
1. From Tim Hortons right turn on Vedder Road.
2. Take Hope Exit & head Hwy 1 east.
3. Drive east on Hwy 5 past Hope.
4. Take exit 177 onto Hwy 3. Follow for 32km to Cascade Recreation Area.
5. After passing Rhododendron Flats, move into the left lane to be ready for your left turn a little beyond the bridge over Snass Creek.
6. Drive a short distance into the parking area.
不用四驅, 請司机們打印行車路線備用。 |