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跑不過熊 日裔藥劑師被咬死

发表于 2011-7-8 14:24:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1. 這對夫婦與牠們相距約100碼,看到母熊朝他們跑來才開始逃跑,但已來不及。
2. 園警表示,他們看到熊立即朝另一方向走開,完全照園警建議,遭到攻擊是300萬分之一的機率。


跑不過熊 日裔藥劑師被咬死

6日上午在黃石國家公園慘遭大灰熊咬死的男子證實是家住洛杉磯縣托倫斯(Torrance)的57歲日裔藥劑師又吉(Brian Matayoshi)。由於母熊出於自衛保護牠孩子的天性,且無攻擊人類的前科紀錄,園方決定不射殺這頭母灰熊。

園 方在書面聲明指出,熊咬死人事件發於6日上午11時左右,又吉與58歲的太太瑪麗蓮(Marylyn)在熱門的健行步道Wapiti Lake Trail巧遇這頭帶著兩個六個月大寶寶的母灰熊,這對夫婦與牠們相距約100碼,看到母熊朝他們跑來才開始逃跑,但已來不及。



出事的健行步道已被關閉,由各部會專家組成的委員會將調查黃石國家公園25年來第一次發生的大灰熊咬死人事件。上次發生於1986年10月,一名男子陳屍於Otter Creek附近的路上,身旁散落一台照相機與腳架,園方判定他在拍攝野熊時被熊咬死。
发表于 2011-7-8 17:21:45 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-8 19:20:39 | 显示全部楼层




This is what we took from last yr Yellow Stone trip, Marcus, 土猫 and I. The grizzly was about 5 yards away from me, only a car between us. We did not know it was a grizzly, but black bear until we went to a ranger station. I took my camera to show to a ranger and she immediately told me it was a grizzly. The major difference between grizzly and black bear is grizzly has hump at its shoulder. Grizzly can be either color. From a distance, it has no way to tell what the face likes

I think grizzly or black bear attacking people when they feel they are under attack. They know they are stronger than human being. Grizzly might start to attack people 1st and black bear might take defense. However, when they had cubs, they are more aggressive. So we have to pay more attention then.

Personally, I think 熊 bell and 熊 whistle might work well. I think 熊 might smell human being from distance before the bells and whistles. But a few people in a group can make soundly noise from bells and whistles. And 熊 would know a lot people coming. In the way, we might scare 熊 away.

Any good idea?

Grizzly -5

Grizzly -5

Grizzly -4

Grizzly -4

Grizzly -3

Grizzly -3

Grizzly -2

Grizzly -2

Grizzly -1

Grizzly -1
发表于 2011-7-8 19:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
- The speed of a male grizzly is 30 MPH
- From a standing start up to 25 MPH in 6 seconds and can cover over 109 yards in 6 seconds!
- Female with cubs will lope at up to 15 MPH

发表于 2011-7-8 20:21:44 | 显示全部楼层
- The speed of a male grizzly is 30 MPH
- From a standing start up to 25 MPH in 6 seconds and can cover over 109 yards in 6 seconds!
- Female with cubs will lope at up to 15 MPH


据我看的錄影資料, 裝死只對黑熊有效, 對棕熊(GRIZZLY)無效.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-8 20:38:48 | 显示全部楼层
- The speed of a male grizzly is 30 MPH
- From a standing start up to 25 MPH in 6 seconds and can cover over 109 yards in 6 seconds!
- Female with cubs will lope at up to 15 MPH


据我看的錄影資料, 裝死只對黑熊有效, 對棕熊(GRIZZLY)無效.[/quote]

Welcome for all these very theoretical info. And I wonder what I would do in such circumstance. 1st, I have to know the "visitor" is a male or female. Then know it is a grizzly or black bear to decide either I run or "died on ground".

I promise I would send the last text message to u to confirm your theory is right before I am unconscious. Just kidding.
发表于 2011-7-9 01:30:35 | 显示全部楼层
In most situations, bears are predictable, and they are
naturally shy and submissive animals.
Understanding these ‘ bear smart ’tips will help keep bear encounters positive and free from conflict:

1/ NEVER FEED A BEAR either intentionally or unintentionally by not disposing of garbage in a bear-proof container, Bears’ keen sense of smell can detect barbecue or picnic aromas from a considerable distance.

2/ HIKE IN GROUPS shout loudly from time to time to let a bear know you are there so it can avoid you.

3/ GIVE BEARS PLENTY OF SPACE and do not approach. No one should try to entice, pet or pose for a photo with a bear. Take pictures with a telephoto lens from a distance.

4/ IF YOU ENCOUNTER A BEAR, REMAIN CALM. Back away slowly while facing the bear. Talk in a low, calm voice to the bear so that it can identify you as human and non-threatening.

5/ IF A BEAR APPROACHES YOU, SPEAK FIRMLY and hold your ground. Face the bear and look directly at it. If a black bear becomes persistent, continue to stand your ground. If you have pepper spray, prepare it for use. Do not play dead. Do not run. The bear may bluff charge. If a black bear attacks, fight back with any weapon you can find including stones or branches.

資料來源:Visitors only handbook.


1/HIKE IN GROUPS-歷史上從來未有過熊會攻擊4人以上的團體。集體行動不單在防止動物攻擊上起作用,而且在平常活動中也極為重要。我們就曾經為此付出過生命代價。

2/GIVE BEARS PLENTY OF SPACE-熊鈴的作用是在很遠的距離就知會動物,讓它們有足夠的時間迴避。正常來說,動物不願意和人類面對面,只要有足夠的提示,它們都會走開。但當進入1個‘危險距離’時,人輿動物被逼對立,動物會覺得除了攻擊別無選擇。

发表于 2011-7-9 08:44:23 | 显示全部楼层
新近从Glacier National Park回来,学到不少新东西,其中包括哨子,熊铃和熊喷的使用。参加了一次Ranger-led trip, Ranger提示:要想让熊朋友知道周围有动静,大声说话,唱歌或喊叫更有效。哨子和熊铃的作用不是很明显。


There have been cases where bear spray apparently repelled aggressive or attacking bears and accounts where it has not worked as well as expected. Factors influencing effectiveness include distance, wind, rainy weather, temperature extremes, and product shelf life.

If you decide to carry bear spray, use it only in situations where aggressive bear behavior justifies its use. Bear spray is intended to be sprayed into the face of an oncoming bear. It is not intended to act as a repellent.”

* What if I Encounter a Bear?
* Bear Attacks
* Bear Pepper Spray
* Don't Surprise Bears!
* Don't Make Assumptions!


发表于 2011-7-9 11:46:00 | 显示全部楼层

This is what we took from last yr Yellow Stone trip, Marcus, 土猫 and I. The grizzly was about 5 yards away from me, only a car between us. We did not know it was a grizzly, but black bear until we went to a ranger station. I took my camera to show to a ranger and she immediately told me it was a grizzly. The major difference between grizzly and black bear is grizzly has hump at its shoulder. Grizzly can be either color. From a distance, it has no way to tell what the face likes

OMG! 这个是棕熊啊!棕熊和黑熊都有各种颜色。主要看肩膀那里的大包来分辨。



1. 避免近距离突然相遇。所以要制造大量噪音。
2. 万一相遇了,千万不能跑(不论距离远近)。你一跑就会引起它本能的对猎物的追击。
3. 面对它,避免目光接触,手臂张开慢慢挥动,以沉着的语气对它讲话。
4. 在它没有继续接近的企图时慢慢后退。如果他企图接近你,那么你要站定,跟它对峙,尽量阻止它的接近。
5. 以上所做的那些都是为了避免熊的攻击。一旦熊开始攻击,
发表于 2011-7-9 11:49:33 | 显示全部楼层

据我看的錄影資料, 裝死只對黑熊有效, 對棕熊(GRIZZLY)無效.

Dada, 我看的资料跟你的这个说法刚好相反。 :?
发表于 2011-7-9 13:29:35 | 显示全部楼层




发表于 2011-7-9 13:33:42 | 显示全部楼层

据我看的錄影資料, 裝死只對黑熊有效, 對棕熊(GRIZZLY)無效.

Dada, 我看的资料跟你的这个说法刚好相反。 :?[/quote]

暈, 也許是我記錯了??!! :oops:

看來俺仍然生存純綷是走了狗屎運 :P
发表于 2011-7-9 13:36:48 | 显示全部楼层

据我看的錄影資料, 裝死只對黑熊有效, 對棕熊(GRIZZLY)無效.

Dada, 我看的资料跟你的这个说法刚好相反。 :?[/quote]

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