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发表于 2011-8-14 21:23:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Vancouver Airport security staff got a gruesome surprise early Sunday when they discovered three black-bear paws in a 39-year-old man's carry-on luggage.

The Vancouver man, who was boarding a flight to China, is facing charges under federal and provincial legislation for smuggling animal parts, B.C. Conservation officer Sgt. Dave Jevons said Sunday.

While there are hunting seasons in the spring and fall for black bears, the sale and export of parts is illegal, said Jevons. "It is unusual [to find bear parts smuggled out of the Vancouver airport], but we know that trafficking of parts occurs with all types of wildlife," said Jevons.

"Certainly the market is typically in Asia for bear parts. It's bear paws, genitalia and gall bladders," he said.

The man was apprehended when he was checking in at about 2 a.m, detained by the Canadian Border Service Agency, who called the RCMP.

The B.C. Conservation office has now taken over the investigation, said Jevons.

The Vancouver man was arrested by a conservation officer, then released on a promise to appear in provincial court on Oct. 6 in Richmond, said Jevons.

He said the border service staff would have been alerted to the bear paws when the man's carry-on luggage went through the X-ray screening machine.

The bones in the three black bear paws would have looked very much like those in a human hand, said Jevons.

The bear paws — two front paws and a one rear paw, believed to be from two different black bears — were wrapped in aluminum foil.

The conservation office's investigation into the incident will continue, including establishing the origin of the bear parts.

Jevons said the provincial charges for trafficking in animal parts carry a maximum two-year sentence and a $250,000 fine. Federal charges under wildlife-trafficking laws carry a maximum six-month sentence and $25,000 fine for a first-time incident.

Jevons couldn't immediately provide the number of bear-parts smuggling incidents the conservation office deals with annually. Typically, the Conservation office is alerted to smuggling incidents through road checks and police files.

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/tech ... .html#ixzz1V4ViyNLh
发表于 2011-8-15 09:13:27 | 显示全部楼层

相关法律 条款 WAPPRIITA, BC Wildlife Act 网页

相关法律 条款 WAPPRIITA, BC Wildlife Act 网页

明报 《男子试图携熊掌飞往中国 温哥华机场被捕》

卑诗保育局警员杰文斯 表示,该名39岁的男子持永久居民身分,昨日凌晨2时左右准备通过机场安检搭乘前往中国的航班时,被执行X光检查的海关人员发现其随身行李中藏有三隻黑熊熊掌,用锡纸包好。


杰文斯提到,该男子当场被皇家骑警拘捕,在承诺于10月6日出庭聆讯后被释放,他将面临违反联邦「野生动植物保护及国际与省际贸易法例」(WAPPRIITA)及「卑诗野生动物法」(BC Wildlife Act)的相关起诉。违反有关法例,最高可被判入狱两年及罚款25万元。


联邦的 Commercial Trade in Wildlife
http://www.ec.gc.ca/alef-ewe/def ... mp;amp;n=EA39DD0C-1
http://www.ec.gc.ca/alef-ewe/def ... mp;amp;n=65FDC5E7-1

省府的  BC Wildlife Act
http://www.bclaws.ca/EPLibraries ... reeside/00_96488_01
发表于 2011-8-17 06:15:06 | 显示全部楼层


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