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日晒番茄通心粉色拉 (Sun-dried Tomato Pasta Salad) ZT

发表于 2011-8-24 13:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

This delightful and delicious pasta salad has beautiful color, is simple to make and perfect for all occasions. Sun-dried tomato sauce, basil leaves, olive oil-red wine vinegar dressing, and Parmesan cheese combine to create a beautiful salad that has wonderful texture and rich flavor. The ripe cherry tomatoes further add beautiful color and freshness to this dish.

准备时间: 15分钟

烹饪时间: 10 分钟

量: 5-6人


意大利通心粉 (Rottini pasta) 1磅(lb)

樱桃西红柿 (cherry tomato) 1/2 杯(cup)

油橄榄 (Kalamata or assorted olives) 1/2杯(cup)

新鲜九层塔 (fresh basil) 10-15片叶子(leaves)

帕玛森芝士 (Parmesan Cheese, fresh grated) 1/2杯(cup)


日晒番茄干 (sun-dried tomato) 190g

橄榄油(extra virgin olive oil) 1杯(cup)

红酒醋 (red wine vinegar) 3大匙 (tbsp)

盐(salt) 少许

胡椒粉 (pepper) 少许


1) 调料:把调料里的所有材料混合,先用脉冲档把材料打碎,再打成浓汁(图A);

2) 锅里大火烧开水,放一大匙盐,加Pasta煮9-10分钟至熟,捞出后加橄榄油拌匀(图B);

3) 樱桃西红柿对切,油橄榄切粗粒,九层塔切丝 (图C);

4) 煮熟的通心粉加2/3的调料,拌匀 (图D);

5) 加油橄榄碎, 拌匀(图E);

6) 加芝士条拌匀(图F);

7) 食用时加樱桃西红柿和九层塔丝,拌匀(图G)。


a) 调料做好后要静至45分钟以上再用,这样味道才会充分混合均匀,调料用量可根据口味做调整。可提前一天把调料做好;

b) 熟的pasta滤掉水分后加橄榄油拌匀即可。过冷水会冲掉表面的粘性物质,从而不易吸附调料。


Preparation: 15 minutes

Cooking Time: 15 minutes

Serves: 5



Cockscrew pasta) 1 lb

Cherry tomato 1/2 cup

Kalamata or assorted olives 1/2 cup

Fresh basil 10-15 leaves

Parmesan Cheese, fresh grated 1cup


Sundried tomato 190g

Extra virgin olive oil 1cup

Red wine vinegar 3 tbsp

Salt and pepper, to taste

Preparation Instructions

Step 1: Dressing: In a blender combine everything until tomatoes are chopped. Continue blending while drizzling in olive oil until mixed together (photo A),

Step 2: Cook pasta according to package directions, add olive oil and mix well (photo B),

Step 3: Cut cherry tomatoes into halves, roll basil leaves into a tight roll and slice thinly julienne, and roughly chop olive (photo C),

Step 4: Pour 2/3 of the dressing over the pasta. Add olives and toss together (photo D),

Step 5: Add remaining ingredients, tossing together and adding more dressing until the salad is coated to your liking (photo E, F)

Step 6: Serve on a big platter with an extra sprinkling of Parmesan cheese (Photo G)
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