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老骥伏枥,志在千米之 加拿大育空新版,新诠释

发表于 2011-10-28 10:02:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
老骥伏枥,志在千米之 加拿大育空新版,新诠释

原版: 成语“老骥伏枥”, 出自于曹操的《步出夏门行》。诗云:“老骥伏枥,志在千里;烈士暮年,壮心不已”。

  82岁的乔伊斯 与大多数耄耋老人的退休生活不同,打桥牌、摆龙门阵、茶话会都不是82岁的加拿大老太太乔伊斯想要的。自打四年前首次狩猎,她就“恋上”了这个“危险的游戏”,而且一发不可收拾。如今,用来复枪在250码之外射死一头巨型麋鹿对她来说不是什么难事。

英国《每日邮报》26日报道,今年82岁的乔伊斯来自加拿大育空地区,四年前在丈夫和儿子的鼓励下开始尝试狩猎。难以置信的是,要不是为了陪老伴保罗和三个儿子狩猎消磨时光,当时已经78高龄的乔伊斯甚至连枪都没摸过。乔伊斯原以为连松鼠都没有抓过的自己会在狩猎时吓得心惊胆战,可实践证明,她是个天生的 “猎手”。在练习狩猎的第二年,她就已经能独立杀死一头雌鹿。而去年杀死的一只十二支角的雄鹿是乔伊斯迄今为止保持的最大的记录,仅鹿角就有1.6米宽,甚至无法塞进乔伊斯的房子里。为此,乔伊斯的儿子基斯正打算修建一所房子专门陈列母亲的战利品。乔伊斯也非常享受与家人一同狩猎的乐趣,“一家人通力合作,就像是伙伴,开心极了。”她说。

http://www.news8000.com/news/-/3 ... tml?nopageview=true

Granny get your gun! 82-year-old hunter shoots dead monster moose

Most women her age entertain themselves with bridge, bingo or the occasional tea dance.

But when 82-year-old grandmother Joyce Herlitzke tried her hand at hunting four years ago, she took to her new hobby with gusto.

And now the sprightly octogenarian has genuinely joined the big guns - when she shot dead a monster moose at 250 yards.

Mrs Herlitzke made the kill with a rifle in the Yukon Territory, Canada, last month, the La Crosse Tribune reported.

Incredibly the remarkable mother of three had never even picked up a gun before she tried the sport four years ago.

The 78 year old originally took up the hobby as a way to spend time with her husband Paul and her three sons.

But she proved to be a natural, killing a doe in only her second year of hunting. Last year she made the biggest kill in the family- a 12-point buck.

Son Keith, who accompanied his mother on the Canada trip said: 'That’s when I told her it was time to try for something a little bit bigger.'  

The span of the moose's antler rack measures an incredible 63-inches, more than five feet.

Herlitzke had been worried she would embarrass herself on the intrepid wilderness hunt.

But fellow travellers were encouraging. Herlitzke told WKBT News8000.com: ' Every single hunter gave me a hug, you know, and a kiss on the cheek and say you can do this.'

'Four years ago, I didn’t even think I would bring a squirrel home,' Joyce told the La Crosse Tribune.

'And to do it with my son made it even more special. It wasn’t like mom and son out there, it was like two hunting buddies.

'You just go out and have fun.'

Neither Joyce or Keith realized the size of the achievement until they got next to the giant moose.

'It’s hard to describe in words how excited she was,' Keith said. 'She was smiling from ear-to-ear and her eyes were huge.'.

'It was such an experience and such an adventure,' Joyce said.

The moose is so big it can't even fit in the Herlitzke home. Keith is building a new trophy room for the prize in his own house

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ ... .html#ixzz1c6Hyz2VM
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