Monkey, I have one more snowshoes can borrow you. May you can come Loughheed mall to pick up it and me at tomorrow morning. Or I bring it to 集合地點. I can't phone you since your phone is not avialble now. :hello:
Latest News At Cypress Mountain (As of Nov 26, 4 pm)
We have just been in touch with Environment Canada and they are forecasting that todays storm will be passing through the Lower Mainland tonight and hopefully moved on by tomorrow morning - with the skies clearing up through Grey Cup Day. With that news we are hoping for an excellent day tomorrow with all of our trails groomed out, the Game on in the Crazy Raven - PLUS we are hoping to have SKY CHAIR open tomorrow for the first time this year - stay tuned in for a morning announcement.
Loose wet avalanches remain a concern on Sunday, particularly in terrain with smooth ground cover and at higher elevations where the snowpack is deeper.
Travel and Terrain Advice:
* Avoid exposure to terrain traps where the consequences of a small avalanche could be serious.
* Be very cautious with gully features.
Avalanche Forecast:
No rating
Tree Line:
Moderate Heightened avalanche conditions on specific terrain features. Evaluate snow and terrain carefully; identify features of concern.
Below Tree Line:
Low Generally safe avalanche conditions. Watch for unstable snow on isolated terrain features.