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温哥華苗圃行動教肓協會---十週年籌款晚宴 <ZT>

发表于 2012-2-1 13:51:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
From Ming Chan, Thanks for sharing!

The 10th Anniversary Celebration and Fund Raising Dinner for Vancouver Sowers Soceity of Education will be held on Saturday, March 3, 2012 at Continental Seafood Restaurant, Richmond BC. Year 2012 marks a major milestone for us, so please join us as we celebrate a decade of hard work to educate, inspire, and motivate the children in China. Proceeds will benefit a canteen project in Yunnan (紅土村苗圃希望小學食堂),  where the children eat out in the cold and inclement weather conditions. The canteen will provide the children with reasonable access to hygienic facilities for eating their meal at school. The annual dinner is also the only time during the year when we fundraise for ouradministration fees. We are all volunteers and none of us receive a salary. Operating costs are kept to a minimum. So please come to join our dinner that night. We can be reached at 778-383-3330 or 604-763-1699.

Vancouver Sowers Society of Education

Ming Chan
Event Chair - 10th Anniversary Fundraising Committee

       温哥華苗圃行動教肓協會 十週年籌款晚宴



今年適逢温苗創會十週年,本會訂於三月三日(星期六)在列治文市幸運海鮮酒家舉辦十週年籌款晚宴,當晚餐券收益,扣除開支,剩餘將撥作本會今年的行政經費,當晚現塲及其他贊助所籌得善款,將全部用於興建雲南紅土村苗圃希望小學食堂,本會所有工作人員皆是義工,亦無固定會址,但最基本之費用如印刷、郵政費及必要之保險費用等,皆有賴各方善長支持。希望大家能踴躍參加,共襄善舉。請致電 : 778-383-3330 或 604-763-1699 查詢。

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