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发表于 2012-3-9 18:59:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2012-3-11 00:13:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-1-9 23:39:56 | 显示全部楼层

Cabela’s Nanaimo's, BC Store

Cabela’s  Nanaimo's, BC Store

http://www.cabelas.ca/news/42/ca ... tish-columbia-store

Cabela’s Canada announced today plans to bring the unique Cabela’s retail experience to customers in Nanaimo, British Columbia, and the Vancouver Island area.

The company will transform a former Canadian Tire building, located at 6900 Island Highway in the Dickinson Crossing Shopping Centre, into a 50,000-square-foot store. Construction is expected to begin next year and Cabela’s Canada anticipates a fall 2014 opening. It will be Cabela’s first location in British Columbia.

The store is expected to employ approximately 150 full-time, part-time and seasonal employees. Most will come from Nanaimo and the surrounding area.

“As Cabela’s Canada continues to expand, we knew British Columbia, and especially the Nanaimo area, would be a great fit for a Cabela’s retail location,” said Tommy Millner, Cabela’s Chief Executive Officer. “The region is full of people who live the outdoor lifestyle and have supported Cabela’s through our catalogue and online for many years.”

Cabela's Incorporated, the World's Foremost Outfitter® of hunting, fishing and outdoor gear, established Cabela’s Canada in 2007 with a retail store and headquarters for Canadian operations in Winnipeg, Manitoba. In 2010 the company moved to a 300,000-square-foot corporate headquarters and distribution centre in Winnipeg. In May of this year, the Winnipeg retail store relocated and the previous location was closed in conjunction with the new store opening.

Cabela’s stores showcase thousands of products, including hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, boating and wildlife-watching gear, as well as clothing and outdoor-themed gifts and furnishings. The company is famous for its strong brand and world-renowned reputation for delivering quality merchandise, value and legendary customer service.

Also today, Cabela’s announced plans to open a Garner, N.C. and Sun Prairie, Wis., location.

Currently, Cabela’s operates 48 stores across North America, including four in Canada – Saskatoon and Regina, Saskatchewan; Edmonton, Alberta; and Winnipeg. The company has announced plans to open an additional 19 locations over the next two years, including a second Edmonton location in spring 2014 and a Barrie, Ontario, location in fall 2014.

https://www.crossna.org/forum.ph ... 40?highlight=Cabela
发表于 2014-1-11 02:15:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-1-11 04:26:10 | 显示全部楼层

借助本地的枪店 轻松订购

借助本地的枪店 轻松订购

大部分猎枪, 加拿大的商家/网页都会有销售。或者接近其性能的。

如果实在 盯住了 某个心仪火器。非她不娶?!

不妨拿着该款详细信息, 走走您当地枪店, 询问帮忙订购的手续费用, 几个回合下来, 取”买路钱“最低的那一家, 不过多久。 即可到手。

即使是欧洲的零配件,以色列的军品民用版, 您手的银两, 都可以借助枪店,看哪个店主笑脸最可掬,开口出手最不“阔绰” ?

来个 "钱能通神” 的猎具网络店铺结合版。
发表于 2014-1-11 09:04:21 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 借助本地的枪店 轻松订购


借助本地的枪店 轻松订购

大部分猎枪, 加拿大的商家/网页都会有销售。或者接近其性能的。

如果实在 盯住了 某个心仪火器。非她不娶?!

不妨拿着该款详细信息, 走走您当地枪店, 询问帮忙订购的手续费用, 几个回合下来, 取”买路钱“最低的那一家, 不过多久。 即可到手。

即使是欧洲的零配件,以色列的军品民用版, 您手的银两, 都可以借助枪店,看哪个店主笑脸最可掬,开口出手最不“阔绰” ?

来个 "钱能通神” 的猎具网络店铺结合版。
发表于 2014-1-11 17:57:06 | 显示全部楼层

南边枪廉猎物小 境北弹贵鹿肥大

南边枪廉猎物罕 境北弹贵鹿肥大

鹿科动物, 按照适应气候的炎凉,分布,驯鹿,驼鹿, 马鹿, 以及黑白尾。
熊科; 北极熊, 棕熊, 黑熊。
当积雪厚度, 时间太大,一般动物的过冬成活率,随着植物减少而极具下降。

更主要的, 是适合居住的人群数目 -- 猎人,线性减少。

以BC 16号HWY 南北为界限。农场/猎情, 大相径庭。

在BC, 以及大多数加拿大佬的眼里, 山姆大叔各州的猎经, 除了被老毛子错卖过来的阿拉斯加, 以及各州,能够打的猎物, 都是些小儿科。 过家家啊。

也许只有;落基山附近的“山区时间”地域,那里的人们,享受美国最好的狩猎环境。 也即是,

黄石公园公园, 你能够用眼珠转的。数码摄的。 俺加拿大佬, BC税务居民, 都试图用舌头去卷一卷,转一转。瞄准镜套!
moose, elk等 壮如牛。重税如牛的加拿大猎佬好手, 那个不是撂下过大好几个?加拿大的北美野牛, 真有原始的野牛, 而非豢养....

加拿大各地的猎导, 多为远道而来的, 超级大国的猎迷服务。 反之, 则不亦然。

不错, 枪支超级帝国的猎枪子弹, 世界最价廉物美。 但老上我, 且不屑一顾呢。 打猎, 不是比试来福猎枪的经济, 而是什么玩意倒在你脚下。

猎姿胜势的标准照片, 大家都看的,是什么猎物, 而不太注意,把握的是什么枪,当时购买时候, 远比加拿大合算多少?!

话又说回来, 网页里面看照片, 美洲狮的个头, 美国的, 似乎都比加拿大的美洲狮 肥大。 不难想象, 它们的食物, 远比严寒覆盖的加拿大,容易, 因而站在食物链顶端的王者, 自然要硕壮些。

也不要忘记, BC cougar的猎限, 是惊讶全世界猎民的 two只!

一头不用摇奖就可以猎之的驼鹿, 马鹿,撂倒的感觉, 猎获的野味肉量, 相当于 德克萨斯州。 墨西哥州的多少鹿来着?

打猎,似乎在乎的是折腾后获胜的感觉, 钱的经济性,次之也。

热烈欢呼枫叶部落西海岸 迎来最大猎具店入驻!

哈 利 路 亚
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