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发表于 2012-4-21 23:06:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请问斑竹大人和其他知道的朋友,长枪牌考试已经通过,马上填申请表格给警局,要给警局提供无犯罪证明吗?我是08年登陆的。 :?  :?
发表于 2012-4-22 01:12:36 | 显示全部楼层

Web Information

Web Information

Please refer from
"http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pc ... 1-eng.pdf"

“New Canadian Residents” 新移民
If you have been a resident of Canada for less than 5 years
you must obtain a letter of good conduct issued by the local
or state police of your previous country of residence.
====== In English!

至于什么时间 “登陆”的, 算5年 = 5x365天日?。最好打电话,1 800 731-4000 让官员解释相关法律条款。看是否必要 入加拿大以前的证明?你在信里可以强调, 已经有移民所需要的 良民背景材料,方可以移民。 或许免去回国重新办理之辛劳。
最好, 还是办理 现在本地的 (888) 619-5833 。充数!

所有文件凑齐, 邮寄到  Mailing Information;
Central Processing Site
PO BOX 1200
Miramichi  NB  E1N 5Z3

长枪新法《Bill C-19》;登记制度作废,买卖 转让refile gun ,无需纪录/无需与枪证挂钩。但非限制枪证仍然要的携带, 出示。藏枪/持枪安全要求如故。短枪登记如故!
“ ......Changes to the Canadian Firearms Program"

On April 5, 2012, Bill C-19, Ending the Long-Gun Registry Act, came into effect. The key changes are as follows:

    Removal of the requirement to register non-restricted firearms
    Destruction of the existing non-restricted firearms registration records
    Allowing the transferor of a non-restricted firearm to obtain confirmation of a transferee’s firearms acquisition licence prior to the transfer being finalized

Until further notice, due to a Court Order issued by the Quebec Superior Court, residents of Quebec are still required to register non-restricted firearms with the RCMP Canadian Firearms Program.

It is important to note that the new law does not change the requirement for all individuals to hold a licence in order to possess a firearm. The licensing, safety training and safe storage requirements for anyone who uses or owns a firearm continue to be in force.

The legislation also does not impact registration requirements for restricted or prohibited firearms.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-22 20:51:09 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-24 13:25:57 | 显示全部楼层
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