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请问多伦多或者安省的朋友们, 你们那总体打猎环境如何? 比bc,ab这面如何?

发表于 2012-5-28 15:48:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

现在在ab这边, 感觉这面的打猎环境就我来说已经很满意了, 开车2个小时就能找到公共猎场, 白尾鹿,黑尾,黑熊等等都能打.

现在因为工作的原因可能往多伦多那边走, 而且过去了很可能就定下来了. 其实我个人不是很喜欢大城市,人多,嘈杂. 但又喜欢安省相对温暖的气候, 每年半年以上飘雪的日子挺让人不爽.

我想请问一下安省,或者说多伦多的朋友,你们那边的打猎环境总体如何? 每年big game的配额有多少?有哪些biggame可打? 其他的例如水禽之类的好打吗?
如果住在多伦多大概开车要多久才能到公共猎场? 大家每年都能打满配额吗?

虽然打猎不是决定性的因素,但对我来说也是个重要的考虑因素, 就像天气一样. 例如HST,就是个负面考虑因素.呵呵

补充, 相对其他省份安省的狩猎规章有什么特殊的地方吗? 我记得好像是可以用223打鹿, 还可以用fmj打biggame, 对吗?
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-3 22:18:02 | 显示全部楼层
虽然不清楚安省那边的打猎环境不过可以看出来非常的冷 :(
发表于 2012-6-4 07:54:36 | 显示全部楼层
我是从安省搬迁过来的,八九十年代要打猎的开四五小时车到多伦多以北north bay一带,安省处于丘陵地形,树林的树小腿粗,没有大山,动物数量有限,狩猎环境不算好,现在环境是否有变化就不清楚了,你要是喜欢钩鱼,安省是天堂,湖泊、河流众多。
发表于 2012-6-4 08:11:20 | 显示全部楼层

Sorry can not help
发表于 2012-6-4 08:16:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-6-4 08:46:55 | 显示全部楼层
I have lived in both provinces for many decades already, therefore I am speaking from my experience. Hunting is available everywhere including in China. However, we are speaking in relative terms; BC has more animals and hunting grounds than Ontario. Thus, hunting is BC is relatively easier and more convenient than hunting in Ontario.
发表于 2012-6-4 08:50:21 | 显示全部楼层

Sorry can not help
发表于 2012-6-4 09:30:44 | 显示全部楼层
The point is not where to go or who to go with, this discussion should be a platform for all kinds of people (including inexperienced). Hunting sites that require a 45-90mins drive in Ontario are usually situated next to farms. But in BC, a 45-90mins drive can lead you to a luscious green forrest. In addition, there is a larger variety of animals in BC. During a hunting trip in BC, one can hunt more than just a deer.
On a side note: If Ontario is as if you mentioned earlier than do you have any photographs to show us? And lastly,  may I ask if have've been to BC?
发表于 2012-6-4 16:17:26 | 显示全部楼层
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