
楼主 |
发表于 2006-3-6 21:13:55
那个价钱不是贵...............是很贵呀! 大佬! 能不能走上去呀? 那里好象是PRIVATE PLACE?
我想這不是一個private place. (老番有意寫得模糊一點? 我不太清楚.) 只少Mt. Brew 可以滑.
可以hiking到Brew Hut並在附近滑雪.
下季,一定要試試 - hiking 去 (最平是這麼樣喇).
可參考Brew Hut web site:
There are some good ski slopes nearby, varying from mellow (around the cabin and Brew Lake) to death defying (gully running N from a col E of Mt. Brew). A high alpine ridge connects this area to Cypress Peak and Mount Fee to the west.
Powder Mountain Catskiing
Powder Mountain Catskiing (http://www.pmcatski.com) operates a cat skiing operation out of chance creek on the south side of Tricouni. They now also have a tenure for driving their cats up the Roe Creek logging road and skiing off the slopes east of Cypress Peak. These slopes are only a few kilometers from the Brew Hut. PMC has agreed to take their clients elsewhere while parties are at the brew hut (and during the 5 previous days) given 2 weeks advance notice. Be sure to give them a call before going to the brew hut in winter to make sure they don't bother you. Also, if skiing in to the hut via the Roe Creek route, PMC may have plowed the chance creek FSR - be sure to ask them about parking at the Roe Creek turnoff. Contact information is provided below.
Phone: 604-932-0169
Toll Free: 1-877-PWDRFIX (1-877-793-7349)
Fax: 604-932-4667
Email: info@pmcatski.com (mailto:info@pmcatski.com) |