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Cancelled. 召集:Mount Baker--Damfino Lakes Trail

发表于 2012-9-17 15:42:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The trail is inaccessible due to washout on canyon creek  road. Sorry, I have to cancell this trip.

日期: Sept. 21, 2012 Friday

人数: 限 12人 (This trail is located within the Mt. Baker Wilderness, limiting party size to 12. )

地点: Mt. Baker Damfino lakes Trail

Trail名称: Damfino Lakes
Trail长度: 10km
Trail难度: 容易
Trail的拔高:500ft 左右

团队精神 - 共进共退,友爱互助 。

參加者一定要持有效美国入境証件, 如:
1. 加拿大护照, 或中国护照 + 签証
2. Nexus Card
3. 由ICBC发出的特別驾照EDL或身份証明EIC

1. 户外活动有风险,一切组织和活动属自愿,责任自负。

2. 一定要三人一組結伴同行。每組对讲机一部, 否則每組定要保持在视线之內。

聯絡人: Yin G
电话: 604-421-3843
集合時間: Sept. 21 Friday, 7:00am
集合地点: Lougheed Mall Safeway前
距離: 約120km+  
Carpool费用:CAN $20
泊车费用: US $5 per day (由车主付)



1> 高幫防水hiking boots
2> 一對登山杖 with baskets
3> 一對手套, hat
4> Day hiking背包
5> Lunch & snack
6> 2升水
7> 墨鏡
8> 哨子
9> 头灯/手电筒
10> 防熊噴劑
11> 防晒霜, 紫外线反射很厉害
12> Gaiter, 防湿鞋湿裤又能防脏


需要CARPOOL的朋友准备两双鞋(一双是登山鞋),在开始Hiking前和结束后,换上干净的鞋,这样省去车主打扫车内卫生,谢谢!还可以再准备一双备用的袜子。爬完山,能让脚舒服一下也是种享受 .



I would like to lead an easy hiking at Mount baker this Friday. If anyone is interested, Please leave a message here. The detail route I'll post later tonight.
发表于 2012-9-17 16:22:45 | 显示全部楼层

Re: Mount Baker

yin G
I would like to lead a easy hiking at Mount baker this Friday. If anyone is interested, Please leave a message here. The detail
route I'll post later tonight.

:aa5:  :aa51:
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-17 18:19:22 | 显示全部楼层

Re: Mount Baker

[quote]yin G
I would like to lead a easy hiking at Mount baker this Friday. If anyone is interested, Please leave a message here. The detail
route I'll post later tonight.

:aa5:  :aa51:[/quote]

谢谢Lulu. 夏季快过了, 还是想出去走走。现在只能从头开始了。 两个保镖跟着,应该没问题。 :)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-17 18:31:08 | 显示全部楼层
Damfino lakes trail 简介:(from USDA)

Begin at an old clear-cut, then quickly enter mature forest. Encounter a junction in 0.7 miles. The left fork is Canyon Ridge Trail #689, which connects to Boundary Way Trail #688. Take the right fork to reach Damfino Lakes in 0.1 mile. Tiny lakes are skirted by a puncheon bridge walkway and surrounded by blueberry bushes that turn a blazing scarlet in autumn. Stop and look for young salamanders in the shallows. From here, the trail re-enters forest and climbs uphill for about 1.5 miles, breaking out into an expansive meadow. Walk through extraordinary wildflowers in July and August or wonderful fall color in September and October. Bearpaw Mountain is the prominent peak to the west. At Excelsior Pass, reach the junction with High Divide Trail #630, which enters the Mt. Baker Wilderness (link to wilderness regulations) and travels along Excelsior Ridge (High Divide) for 4.5 miles east to Welcome Pass, or drops from Excelsior Pass south to meet the Mt. Baker Highway 542 in 4.5 miles. Enjoy views from Excelsior Pass of Mt. Baker, Mt. Shuksan and the Canadian Border Peaks.
There are a few areas for camping near Damfino Lakes, but the area is also popular with biting insects. When camping in the high country, the best water supply is a spring located about a half mile before reaching Excelsior Pass. There are campsites near this spring. Other water sources are limited to snow fields and small tarns that can disappear in late summer. Campsites with nice views are located on the ridge that runs south from Excelsior Peak. Camping areas can also be found along High Divide. Please camp on snow, rock or bare ground.
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