“是个男人? 都打猎!” 的最新研究佐证
《华尔街日报》文章, 就最近2012大选”男女有别“情况,进行了研究,发现睾丸酮荷尔蒙水平的高潮波动: 也许可以提示, 为何男子汉, 喜欢花精力去野外, 一次次地体验先祖狩猎的折磨与成功?
为什么大选结果会让男人激动难抑?For Men, Election Is Like Big Game
Don't be shocked if guys pound their chests or shake their fists at Tuesday night's election results. It's hormonal.
For men, presidential-election nights affect testosterone levels as if they're watching their favorite team compete in the World Series or Super Bowl, according to a study that explored voters' reactions to the 2008 contest.
The study, published in October 2009 in the journal PLoS One, measured the testosterone levels of 163 men and women before and after Barack Obama's defeat of John McCain during the last presidential race. The study subjects, aided by chewing gum, gave saliva samples to researchers for testing.
Testosterone levels typically fall throughout a normal day. But levels stayed about the same among male Obama supporters on the 2008 election night. Among those who supported the losing side, the hormone levels dropped more than they normally would have岸some 30% from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., the study found. (The election's outcome didn't affect testosterone levels in women, as researchers had expected.)
It was as if the men weren't just watching the outcome but closely identifying with one of the candidates, said Kevin LaBar, a Duke University neuroscientist who helped conduct the study. Similar hormonal changes have been observed in devoted male sports fans watching their favorite team play, he said.
'There's kind of a correlation between sports competitions and political contests in terms of their effects on the fans,' Dr. LaBar said.
Such events are present-day versions of contests for social dominance, age-old fights between alpha males for power, mates and food, Dr. LaBar said.
The hormonal changes may provide a biological basis for helping people fit in to larger groups, Dr. LaBar said. Studies that look at changes in the brain among sports fans have shown that regions involved in putting oneself in someone else's shoes are activated during games.
A potential downside looms, however. The biological investment in the outcome may explain the violence that erupts after sporting events, Dr. LaBar said.
Fans of the winning team feel empowered to take risks, he said, while the powerlessness felt by the loser's supporters can result in acting out.
The changes are thought to be temporary. By the next morning, testosterone levels return to their normal levels, researchers believe.
一项探讨了选民对2008年大选结果反应的研究揭示,对于男人来说,总统大选之夜会影响他们体内的睾丸激素水平,这就好像他们在看自己喜欢的球队在美国职棒大联盟“世界大赛”(World Series)或橄榄球“超级碗”(Super Bowl)中比赛一样。
这项研究发表在2009年10月号的PLoS One杂志上。研究测量了163名男女在2008年美国总统大选冲刺阶段奥巴马(Barack Obama)击败麦凯恩(John McCain)前后的睾丸激素水平。研究对象用口香糖向研究人员提供测试所需的唾液样本。
在 正常的一天中,睾丸激素的水平通常会下降。但在2008年的大选夜,奥巴马男性选民的睾丸激素水平始终保持在大致相同的水平。研究发现,在那些支持麦凯恩 的选民中,其睾丸激素水平的下降幅度大于正常情况,从晚上8点至凌晨1点大致下降了30%(但正如研究人员所预期的那样,大选结果没有影响女性的睾丸激素 水平)。
帮助开展这项研究的杜克大学(Duke University)神经学家拉巴尔(Kevin LaBar)说,这就好像这些男性选民不只是在关注投票结果,而且是在和其中一位候选人结成了相当密切的关系一样。拉巴说,已经观察到类似荷尔蒙变化出现 在那些忠诚的男性体育迷观看他们喜欢的球队比赛的时候。
老上我, 断然以为: hunting, 一定和”体育比赛和总统大选之间存在某种相关性。“ 也就是说:
=Hunting 等 这些活动 就是争取社会统治地位竞赛的现实版本,是阿尔法男性之间为了权力、配偶和食物进行的古已有之的争斗。 |
大选, 球赛,狩猎, 以及 ML.... 之后
惊心动魄的猛兽突然反扑, 是使先人睾丸酮水平剧烈激增的“销魂一刻”