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国家(之间)级难题? 熊的性别鉴别

发表于 2012-12-6 19:22:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
国家(之间)级难题? 熊的性别鉴别

即使是国宝熊猫, 在国际交往里, 也难免一再出现;性别”歧视“鉴别的乌龙。先是在赠送给亚特兰大的熊猫过程中, 出现问题;
《大熊貓性別烏龍 「美蘭」竟是「俊男」》

美蘭2006年9月出生在亞特蘭大動物園,就在牠產下後的第19天被專家認定為母熊貓, 甚至還公開替牠徵選美名,最後取名美蘭,有亞特蘭大美女的意思,但現在卻發現這隻美女其實是俊男,有關方面還不確定是否會重新替牠改名。



最近, 又发现, 赠送(租借)多伦多的熊猫, 居然也有误, 两位从军中加友谊重任的大使,其中有一”木兰花“
《Toronto-bound pandas were coming to mate, except they're both females :It’s a girl!》

It turns out that a giant panda, thought to be male and set to come to the Toronto Zoo from China in the spring, is actually female.

The surprise discovery happened when researchers in China collected and analyzed blood samples from the panda named Er Shun.

“We’re surprised,” said John Tracogna, the Toronto Zoo’s CEO. “But everything is back on track in identifying the two pandas that are coming – we’re moving forward.”
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/n ... irl/article6022665/

荒山野外熊的狩猎,除了身边是否伴有小熊仔, 实在无法/无能予以区别。
http://www.alaskansportsman.com/ ... -bear-hunting.shtml
The females of the Black Bear Species are typically smaller and leaner than the males.  The female Black Bear is sometimes described as "all legs".  The face is narrower than the males and the ears seem much bigger because of the size difference in the head.母熊较为纤细,四肢明显些,脑袋狭长,尤其是耳尖明显得多。

Being selective sometimes means being patient.  Female Black Bears with cubs usually enter an area ahead of the cubs.  You may not see the cubs at first, so you must hold off for a minute or two and see if any appear.  Female Black Bears are usually more shy and cautious than their male counterparts.  Take your time before you shoot, to ensure the correct choice is made.母熊一般领先于幼儿。不时探头警惕张望。需耐心观察后再开枪。

The males of the Black Bear Species are typically bigger and "rounder" than the females. The male head is wider and rounder than the females.  This makes the ears look smaller and farther apart than the female.雄熊显得身材圆滚,肥头不大耳!旁若无人的憨厚态。

The male Black Bear also has a bigger rounder body than the female.  The male is not as cautious when entering an area.  When you have looked over the entire situation and have decided that this is the bear, then shoot.  In any case being selective is the best thing a hunter can do in order to obtain that trophy Alaska Black Bear and provide a better Alaska Black Bear population for future hunts.

如果大侠您, 丛林里不慎撂倒了只母熊, 良心颇有几分不安。 不妨想象你,就是负责熊猫”国际交流“的昏官污吏?!

学术上。还有过建议, 可以仔细观察 有否明显的乳头。
Another method of gender identification is the presence of nipples, most notably in the chest area (see above photo). Both male and female bears have nipples (as all mammals do), but the males have only two and the females have 6 functional nipples. With a female who has cubs, the chest nipples are much easier to detect. While they are lactating it is much easier to detect them as the area around the nipple will be swollen with milk. Another way to tell if a female bear has been actively nursing cubs is that the fur around the nipples will be slightly discolored from the saliva of the cubs (see below photo).
http://larrywbrown.blogspot.ca/2 ... ale-and-female.html

老上我 个人经验是 这个参考条款 实在困难。但为了千秋万代的猎乐。俺们在实战中, 凭良心办事吧!

有比较, 才有鉴别。理论考究 必须在实战之前熟悉!

有比较, 才有鉴别。理论考究 必须在实战之前熟悉!
发表于 2012-12-10 19:10:03 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for sharing.........
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