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发表于 2013-1-7 00:21:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
从温哥华到白马的飞机,3月29日,周5出发到4月8日,周1回温哥华,现在的价格含税是465.06,加航(我们有朋友可以打折10% off)或者Air North.

http://www.tripadvisor.ca/ShowTo ... irbanks_Alaska.html



总结了一些前人的帖子和别的旅游网站的线路,以下是我初拟的路线,还是会随时调整。希望是一个难忘的旅途。很多资料都是参考孺子牛的https://www.crossna.org/forum.ph ... =10928?highlight=?? 非常感谢。

第一天,Mar 29th, 从温哥华9:10am飞至白马11:34am (一共有4个航班,我挑最早的航班),集合,简单购物及午餐
下午 从 WHITEHORSE(白马 ) 出发,沿 Klondike Hwy,到达道森市(DAWSON CITY),532.4 km行程,约8小时车程,住宿 (第一天会比较劳累)
■ 住宿:Downtown Hotel Box 780, Dawson City TEL:1.867.993.5346

第二天,March 30th, 懒觉到8点半:P,早餐后集合,去参加Percy Dewolfe Memorial Mail Race 2013,早10点到中午12点。

吃过午饭, 从道森市(DAWSON CITY) 出发,上 DEMPSTER HWY,到达老鹰平原(EAGLE PLAIN),行程约 408 公里,时间约计9个半小时。我们到达了巨大的鹰平原高原前会经过墓碑山(Tombstone Mountains),晚上住宿Eagle Plain,那里是Dempster hwy上唯一一个可以住宿,加油的地方
■ 住宿:Eagle Plains Hotel TEL:1.867.993.2453

第三天,就要进入北极圈啦,Mar 31st, 从Eagle Plain to Inuvik, 366km, 约9小时车程。EAGLE PLAIN 至INUVIK 的路很惊险。 大坡、急弯、横风----,事故、封路停车、时常发生。要加倍小心
我们可以看到壮观的 Richardson Mountains, 穿越Northwest Territories,进入mighty Peel and Mackenzie Rivers,接下去的路就是冰路了,我们会经过First Nation village of Fort McPherson,我们会参观失踪的巡逻成员的墓地。
最后我们到达著名的西北地区北部重镇——伊努维克,位于北纬 68 度 18 分,西经 133 度 29 分。
■ 地球最北部的大教堂。
■ 住宿:THE ARCTIC CHALET Box 1099 25 Carn Street Inuvik TEL:1.800.685.9417

第四天,April 1st, 在 INUVIK 尽享极地体验,驾驶狗拉雪橇,观测北极光,全天行程 0 公里。
■ 观赏灿烂的北极光
■ 狗拉雪橇、雪地摩托
■ 品尝独一无二的北美驯鹿、驼鹿及北冰洋的鱼。
■ 住宿:THE ARCTIC CHALET Box 1099 25 Carn Street Inuvik TEL:1.800.685.9417

第五天,April 2nd, 驾车跨冰河到TukToyaktuk镇游览,参观地下冰屋、igloo,PINGO----ICE-CORED HILL, 可以选择住宿Tuk

Hotel Tuk
Tuktoyaktuk, NWT
Tel. (867) 977-2381
Pingo Park Lodge
Tuktoyaktuk, NWT
Tel. (867) 977-2155


第六天,April 3rd, 去INUVIK 镇上VISITOR CENTER,冰河驾车去AKLAVIK,即将消失的小村庄。

第七天,April 4th, Inuvik back to Dawson, 774km。
住宿,Klondike River Lodge Ltd, Dempster Corner, Dawson, YT Y0B 1G0 Tel: (867) 993-6892

第八天,April 5th, Dawson City—Whitehorse,晚上去TAKHINI HOT SPRING泡温泉,住温泉小木屋。km 10 Takhini Hotsprings Rd, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 7A2 Tel: (867) 456-8000

第九天, April 6th, 游览育空野生动物保护区。游WHITESHORSE 蒸气轮船和原木摩天大楼,


第十一天,April 8th, 回家咯
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-7 03:07:30 | 显示全部楼层
Flight from Vancouver (Friday, March 29) to Whitehorse and back (Monday, April 8th) is CAD$465.06 (air Canada or Air North) if you book now.
Regarding the moon, according to my trip plan, we will enter the Arctic Circle on the 3rd day. It will not be full moon and this year will be the peak of northern lights anyway so wish us good luck!  Please see attached picture for moon calculation.
Temperature will be -25 to -9, better than I thought. It will be piece of cake for people from Eastern Canada 

Day one, Mar 29th, from Vancouver (9:10am) to Whitehorse (11:34am), or we can meet you at Whitehorse if you come from other places. After Shopping and lunch, we will start our trip from Klondike Hwy all the way to Dawson City, distance 532.4km, and estimate time 8 hours at least. We will be pretty tired the first day. (but it worth it! )
Hotel: Downtown Hotel Box 780, Dawson City TEL:1.867.993.5346

Day 2, Mar 30th, morning call at 8:30am, Percy Dewolfe Memorial Mail Race 2013,
Race starts at 10am in front of the old post office in Dawson City and follows the Yukon River to Eagle, Alaska and back, to commemorate the legendary life of mail carrier, Percy De Wolfe- Voted as the Unheralded Yukon Hero in 2012 (North of Ordinary magazine).
It’s optional, or you can have your beauty sleep until noon and ready for our next trip to Eagle Plain.
Distance 408km, estimate 9.5 hours. We’ll stop often to take in the beautiful landscape and to take pictures. However, the low temperatures and a nasty wind may hamper our enthusiasm to stay out for very long. We drive past the Tombstone Mountains, a vast treeless plateau and cross two mountain passes before we reach the vast Eagle Plains Plateau. The hotel at Eagle Plains is the only place along the Dempster Highway to eat, sleep and fuel up (420 kms / 265 miles). Do not expect a five star resort, but a functional and clean truck stop where we’ll spend the night with truckers and road maintenance people.
Hotel: Eagle Plains Hotel TEL:1.867.993.2453

Day 3, Mar31st, the hardest day for driving, finger crossed.
Distance 366km, about 9 hours drive. Just north of Eagle Plains we'll cross the Arctic Circle. From this monument we’ll enjoy a great view of the Richardson Mountains and the road in the distance. Soon after we’ll drive over the last mountain pass and cross the border to the Northwest Territories. We now descend into the wide valley of the mighty Peel and Mackenzie Rivers. Here we make our first contact with ice roads as we cross both frozen rivers. In the small First Nation village of Fort McPherson we'll break to visit the cemetery where the members of The Lost Patrol rest. We then continue to Arctic Red River, another small settlement and the crossing of the much wider Mackenzie River, in less than two hours we’ll arrive in Inuvik
Hotel: THE ARCTIC CHALET Box 1099 25 Carn Street Inuvik TEL:1.800.685.9417

Day 4, April 1st, distance 0km (enjoy)
Northern lights, Dog sledding, snowmobile and local food (if we can get any)
Hotel: THE ARCTIC CHALET Box 1099 25 Carn Street Inuvik TEL:1.800.685.9417

Day 5,April 2nd, This day will be the highlight of the trip: After breakfast we'll drive onto the ice of the Mackenzie River and head north towards the delta and the frozen Beaufort Sea. You’ll be amazed about the width of the road (up to 100 m / 300 ft wide) in some places and the thickness of the ice (up to 1.5 m / 5 ft). We’ll drive past remote cabins, frozen-in tug boats and cut-offs to exploration camps. After 180 kms / 110 miles we'll finally reach firm ground at Tuktoyaktuk, a small Inuit (Eskimo) town of 1100 people. This is the northernmost point (69° 26’) on this tour and we’ll spend some time exploring the area. By mid-afternoon we'll return to Inuvik or we can stay there overnight
Hotel: Hotel Tuk
Tuktoyaktuk, NWT
Tel. (867) 977-2381
Pingo Park Lodge
Tuktoyaktuk, NWT
Tel. (867) 977-2155


Day 6, April 3rd, we drive another ice road to the small Inuit settlement of Aklavik on the other side of the McKenzie Delta (120kms / 75 miles). This route follows more the meandering channels offering a different view of the huge Delta. In Aklavik we will enjoy a hot chocolate in the local store before we turn around. We will arrive back in Inuvik early afternoon.

Day 7, April 4th, Inuvik back to Dawson, distance 774km.
Hotel: Klondike River Lodge Ltd, Dempster Corner, Dawson, YT Y0B 1G0 Tel: (867) 993-6892

Day 8, April 5th, Dawson City—Whitehorse, hot spring at TAKHINI HOT SPRING,
Hotel: km 10 Takhini Hotsprings Rd, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 7A2 Tel: (867) 456-8000

Day 9, April 6th, Ice wall, Shipyards Park, shopping, log skyscrapers, Yukon Beringia Interpretive centre.

Day 10, April 7th

Day 11, April 8th, home sweet home.
发表于 2013-1-7 19:52:45 | 显示全部楼层
时间有点长,如果看北极光为主,一般5-6天可能报名的人多点,上班没有那么久假期哦 8)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-7 22:29:59 | 显示全部楼层
时间有点长,如果看北极光为主,一般5-6天可能报名的人多点,上班没有那么久假期哦 8)

我看前人的帖子,都是在11天到18天的,我以为我算是偷懒没有从温哥华开上去的了呢,嘿嘿 :P
上班要请假是有点困难啦。我已经要挟过我老板了,炒了我也要走 :twisted:

发表于 2013-1-8 23:05:17 | 显示全部楼层
时间有点长,如果看北极光为主,一般5-6天可能报名的人多点,上班没有那么久假期哦 8)

我看前人的帖子,都是在11天到18天的,我以为我算是偷懒没有从温哥华开上去的了呢,嘿嘿 :P
上班要请假是有点困难啦。我已经要挟过我老板了,炒了我也要走 :twisted:


 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-10 19:05:16 | 显示全部楼层
时间有点长,如果看北极光为主,一般5-6天可能报名的人多点,上班没有那么久假期哦 8)

我看前人的帖子,都是在11天到18天的,我以为我算是偷懒没有从温哥华开上去的了呢,嘿嘿 :P
上班要请假是有点困难啦。我已经要挟过我老板了,炒了我也要走 :twisted:



谢谢谢谢 :gd:
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