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楼主: PanShiBo

She said "let get the Brunswick down"...

发表于 2013-3-19 14:34:40 | 显示全部楼层
wow, so cool, Congrats!!

Your ice ax calmed me down a lot :)
Thank You!

看来我应该借给Angel我的另一副冰爪(Petzl Charlet Irvis Flexlock Crampons)的
Sorry, Angel!

謝謝您露露,你借給我一雙全新的冰爪, 我很感動。我寧願給你保留這種第一次用它的特權。博士建議我戴用從朋友那裡借來的一對。
发表于 2013-3-19 14:39:15 | 显示全部楼层
Congratulation Angel. You are the No.1.
Sorry Kitty and Panshibo, I quit. I don't think I'm able to do it. :pa: :pa:

Thank you 麦芒 MM, Brunswick is pretty steep.  If you decide to go for it, conquer the fear, be technically prepare of the ability and expect the unexpected  :)

Have Fun!!
发表于 2013-3-19 14:41:22 | 显示全部楼层

五月 MM, Thank your nice commend, I am sure you have owned many of “Wow” moments and I am looking forward to share these “Wows”  with you in the upcoming summer.  The real Wow for me is be able to have self-control, and be safe :)

Enjoy Hiking!!
发表于 2013-3-19 14:52:32 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 为什么爬山


是的,博士, your commands of belay, scramble, safe, and everything is perfect in its place are sealed within my conscious before heading towards the unknown, it's matter of attitude for safety, thus the Brunswick Summit is possible for reaching - the process of the unknown becomes the known.

为什么爬山?After a hardcore hiking day, I may sit anywhere, however I like just be liked in the picture - its Freedom :)

be back with some thoughts...
发表于 2013-3-19 15:09:46 | 显示全部楼层
Nice pictures. Congratulations, angel, you made it :wink:
I am really excited to see this kind of pictures.

Thank you Kitty, enjoy the adventure ride on Brunswick next Saturday.  Different weather, temperature, the condition may various.

Have Fun!!
发表于 2013-3-19 18:57:56 | 显示全部楼层
偶像啊  :cb:
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-19 20:16:49 | 显示全部楼层

Best Moments

Best Moment #1: "I am an airplane flying over Howe Sound"

Seven hours on the mountain, after summitting in the whiteout and descending in blizzard. Still smiling.

I was offered to have similar photo taken, me striking same pose at the same spot, but politely declined, don't even remember why. 8)

"I am afraid of heights" - that's what I was told later..

(to be continued...)

发表于 2013-3-19 23:08:58 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 为什么爬山



"I believe there's something to be said for exploring beautiful places. It's good for the spirit." – David Scott from the Earth to the Moon on HBO.

Being a hiker, that really resonated with me and that's my main motivation for exploring.

be back with some thoughts...

博士 ...Here goes the Home Work in appreciation of making this trip possible :) ...Done! no more "be back with some thoughts" :)  It takes me some time to do the translation, I may not do the Chinese translation...:)

Why do you like hiking?

I like hiking, it’s not because I want “get away” from crowds, noise, pollution, and urban sprawl.  There is extraordinary beauty in hiking both physical and spiritual alike. Far from civilization, one can free your mind from the clutter of everyday life and see nature and life itself from a perspective that is far more in tune with the rest of creation.

Why do I like hiking?  So, this is it!

--I like the people I encounter when I hike.  They are friendly with joyful spirits, they chit chat and laugh; they shout on mountain tops.  They share homemade food, they carry heavy water melons to the mountain top and share joy of sharing.  They help out each other and they are team players.  That’s great, they are awesome people!

--I like the beauty, I like the breath taking Wow moments and I like that memories that last.  Hiking can get you to places of spectacular beauty, jaw dropping views that you just can’t find any other way.

--I like the nature.  Being so close to the nature, it gives you this powerful unique aura around you. You have to have some kind of spiritual energy to understand nature's true beauty, thus calm the savage soul.  Exploring nature gives the opportunity to investigate nature in its many interactions and you just touch on a means of liberating soul.  Thus, immerse you into greatness and tap into the true pulse of life. Each time I am on the trail looking forward to bring back wisdom from the wilderness and apply it in real life.  

I like hiking, I am inspired by this quote:

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. “
  –Henry David Thoreau, Walden

--I love nature, the fact that you won’t have to deal with pretension or camouflage, hearing no city traffics, no keyboards, no technologies.  Being in the wilderness, I like the mountains and forests and lakes and I like the flowers, I like the daffodils, I like the green hills, I like the Firestone, I like the old ceder and oak trees.   I like to watch mountain goats dance down the sheer cliffs of Mountain top.  I like to watch sun rise and sun set, I like the sea where its meets the sky, the roaring waves meeting the shore overriding fears, the amazing stars in the sky, star fish clinging rocks, and all kinds of tiny marine creatures breathing in the natural aquarium nearby sea wall (WCT trip).   I enjoy hearing the breeze, a stream or river, or the sounds of birds or other animals and the wind flopping leaves in the trees, and watching the fish flipping on Lake Surface. Absolute peace and tranquility, you can just sit there and take it all in.  I enjoy the solitude, the scent of the woods,  I like the fresh crispy mountain air and surprise around every switchback, jaw dropping views. I like to set camping tent on a mountain rock near by cliff and enjoying the nightmare of fear of height and dreaming about possibly blowing off the cliff (Bugaboo trip) during sleep.  I like lying in the sun, staring at the sky, and watching the mysteriously moving clouds, doing absolutely nothing... having Good times

--I like the sense of accomplishment, I like the process of unknown becomes known, I like to explore places,  I like the challenge to expect the unexpected. From hiking,  I learn self-control, fear the nature, and know the priority of safety, and most of all, I learn to survive in difficult conditions.  After a long hike, or a difficult climb, I can look back and say “I did that.  And I did it well.”

--I do sometimes set goals, but mostly I consider hiking to be a journey rather than a destination. Being out on a remote trail or wilderness area, I enjoy a sense of communion with something greater than myself -  Nothing like a bad storm above 10 thousand feet high can make you feel small!

--I also like the physical part of hiking…getting my heart rate up, working up a sweat.  I feel good after exercise.

If I had to choose one word to epitomize the hiking experience, the word is FREEDOM. It is the freedom to be yourself while nature has the freedom to be itself as well. There is no pretext, no mask, no constraints. The only limits are those imposed by the need to survive and be comfortable.  

Translation: 如果不得不選擇一個,作為遠足經驗的縮影,這個詞是"自由"。那是做回自己的自由,而自然本身是自由。沒有藉口,沒有面具,沒有任何限制。唯一的限制是生存的需要,舒適的限制。

Yes, I like to hike, and it's great!  

So, why do you like hiking?
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-20 08:28:54 | 显示全部楼层

Best Moments

Best Moment #2 : Coiling the rope

I have never seen first-timers handling alpine rope so neatly! It's not that easy as you may think: rope keeps moving in jerks with the approaching climber. Add awkward sitting position you get the picture.

Needles to say the climbing rope is probably most critical piece of gear and must be respected and guarded at all times. The way climber treats the rope shows a lot about the character. Still I was impressed: I never gave her such specific instructions (there were so many anyway)- Angel acted on her intuition! 8)

( to be continued ... )

发表于 2013-3-20 18:21:23 | 显示全部楼层
"Why do you like to climb mountains?" I was asked a few days later, my body still aching...



It is about pain.

It is about pain.
发表于 2013-3-20 18:38:11 | 显示全部楼层
It's about everything...

Training the beginner.

Training the beginner.

Even with grey all over the face, the hair, You are so beautiful, - meeting the hikers.

Even with grey all over the face, the hair, You are so beautiful, - meeting the hikers.

PanShiBo reaching the Summit

PanShiBo reaching the Summit
发表于 2013-3-20 19:19:35 | 显示全部楼层
:aa10:  :aa5: 为同学们喝彩!
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-21 07:57:39 | 显示全部楼层

Best Moments

Best Moment #3 : Fisherman's knot

How to strap crampons correctly so that the knot doesn't freeze solid? It's Fisherman's knot. Never expected she will remember the knot's name.  More impressive, Angel memorized from only one quick demonstration how to make it! 8)

( to be continued ...)

 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-21 19:35:53 | 显示全部楼层
North Face of Brunswick is 70 degrees. ~200 m down.

发表于 2013-3-21 19:44:41 | 显示全部楼层
North Face of Brunswick is 70 degrees. ~200 m down.

潘博士 is very cool!! Thanks for teaching and sharing!!  hope more ppl on Crossna will learn some mountaineering skills from you including me-:), it's a great skill to have even you are only doing hiking/scrambling,  more backcountry  skills/knowledge/awareness more safer!!

Thank you so much!!
发表于 2013-3-21 23:47:55 | 显示全部楼层
這個冬天我想實現攀登 Mount Harvey 和 Mount Brunswick 這兩個山峰 - 我已經錯過了攀登 Mount Harvey 這個機會。知道博士已經排定3月23日攀登 Mount Brunswick,這一天我有其他的活動。我很著急,今年冬天可能已經錯過了這兩個山。幸運的,無論是領導博士和大自然讓我有這個機會登Brunswick山峰 - 為 一個夢想是將要成真,我感到非常興奮。感謝博士!!

1。在登山峰最後幾百米, 我不知道怎麼可以處理的恐高。


Let’s get Brunswick down,一旦決定攻下Brunswick 山峰,這兩個鬥爭必須克服, 和解決。首先,博士採取了非常謹慎的監測天氣狀況,雪崩條件。這是幸運的,大自然是站在我們這一邊 - 'Go' is issued。二,選擇拿下山峰,或選擇順從恐高,我選擇了拿下此山峰.對自己說:“是的,我準備好了!”我睡的早,提前10分鐘到達見面地點。

在期初的遠足道 (at the trail head),我是有點擔心的恐高度,博士說:“別擔心,我會看著你,保護你。”.  是的,我所需正是這種信心, let's go...


...博士, let's get the Brunswick down! 走上了,走到沸騰心裡的,就只有 - 沒有風,沒有下雪,不怕高山流感,沒有往下看,沒有腳發抖,不能懼怕。唯一集中的是保持每一步的穩定,和對領導夥伴的信任和決策。這是我第一次對登山的足跡告訴我的。 Thank 博士 for bring me such an unforgettable and amazing mountaineering experience.

身在高踞的雪山懸崖處...雖然暴風是如此強烈,雪花隨風飛舞極力無情擊打面龐,圍繞的是屬於霧的世界-如塵土飛揚, 阻擋了周圍的視覺。陡峭的斜坡60+ 度角, 可能會撫摸到臉龐,每一步就像在雪地上推掌上壓, 腳下是鬆軟的雪兒, 一步,一決策, 一信念。整個爬程, 雖然博士攀爬很輕鬆,但我這是一場內部的心戰啊 :)

Continue later...
发表于 2013-3-21 23:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
North Face of Brunswick is 70 degrees. ~200 m down.

潘博士 is very cool!! Thanks for teaching and sharing!!  hope more ppl on Crossna will learn some mountaineering skills from you including me-:), it's a great skill to have even you are only doing hiking/scrambling,  more backcountry  skills/knowledge/awareness more safer!!

Thank you so much!![/quote]

Yes, Thank 潘博士, I have learned a lot from this amazing climbing experience. Lulu, 博士, 你們都讓我很佩服, whether it's hiking or mountaineering, I would love to be part of it.  Let's go sometimes...



2。獨立 - 即使你有隊友,繩子,攀登工具和一切,每一步,不能只依賴於隊友和這些設備。這些設備是你的備份,或為技術目的。在任何時候,用你的直覺意識,技術技能,登山知識,經驗, 身體能力, 作出判斷,以保持自己在安全位置。安全是當務之急。你是為自己的安全負責,而不是讓依賴給自己生命力量, 或維係生存力量。

3。遵循登山指令 - 使用攀登術語精確,清楚地傳遞。當你的隊友百米外離你而去,你甚至看不到對方。唯一可靠的通信是你的聲音在空氣中傳遞給隊友, 然後繼續攀登。

4。尊重登山設備 - 在懸崖雪邊上,你幾乎親吻雪牆,下面是千英尺高的空間。技術的事情,挽救你的生命是登山設備。保持設備整齊, 以便在緊急需要,可以很容易地拿取使用。Thanks to 博士: “put everything in perfect place, including your tiding shoe lace.”

5。Be Perfectly FOCUS, 在爬坡時 - 重要的是安全, 鎮靜,戰勝恐懼,有信心,但自我控制,有一個很好的團隊合作精神。

6. 攀登重要是的質量,而不是數量。設定積極的態度是很重要的。這是從這個登山之旅我發現的, 登山是一個過程,而不是目的地。

发表于 2013-3-22 00:11:08 | 显示全部楼层
North Face of Brunswick is 70 degrees. ~200 m down.

I can not believe...70 degree, if I knew it, I definitely called for turn-back.

Awesome experience, Thanks PanShiBo.
发表于 2013-3-22 10:39:17 | 显示全部楼层
North Face of Brunswick is 70 degrees. ~200 m down.

I can not believe...70 degree, if I knew it, I definitely called for turn-back.

Awesome experience, Thanks PanShiBo.[/quote]

Awesome TR! It makes me dizzy just looking at the picture!  :cb:  :cb:  :b.cool:
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-22 13:00:55 | 显示全部楼层

Best Moments

Best Moment #4 - "I am who I am"

The judge was strict yet she passed the test. Mountain gods have accepted her. She became the mountain and mountain became her. It was only natural to start talking with the trees ( in English, of course! ) .

( to be continued.. )

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