
楼主 |
发表于 2013-3-31 17:40:35
Re: Warm snow?
..Warm snow? What a concept! You have been correcting my Chinese. How is my chance to tease about your English, did you mean snow too soft? ..
I meant it, warm snow. Snow temperature changes vertically through the snowpack, near the ground it is almost always around 0 (obviously) and then it gets colder, at the surface meeting air temperature ( when lost one can get dig deep enough and survive the cold night, even if air is -20C, provided he carried snow shovel ). Warm spring air changes this pattern and creates instability triggering avalanches.
"..Avalanches are unlikely to form in very thick forests, however boulders and sparsely distributed vegetation can create weak areas deep within the snowpack, through the formation of strong temperature gradients. .."
More here: Avalanche |