Yeah, tell us something we don't know! Tick season is May through to early July,
and they can be found in many of the warmer parts of BC, from the Fraser Canyon
into the interior and the Okanagan, and on some of the Southern Gulf Islands.
We've heard a few reports form Wanderung hikers finding ticks on recent hikes,
so now is a good time to refresh your memory on all things tick-related.
HealthLink BC is the official BC government source of health-related information
on all aspects of health, and it has recently updated its pages about ticks and
Lyme disease. The updated pages can be found below, covering the basics of ticks
and the diseases they carry, the symptoms of a tick bite, how to avoid getting a
tick bite and how to remove one if bitten.
Ticks and disease: http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthfiles/hfile01.stm
Tick bite symptoms: http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/kb/content/symptom/tckbt.html
Removing a tick: http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/kb/content/special/tp23585spec.html
If that doesn't make your skin crawl, here's an article from the Pique about
http://www.piquenewsmagazine.com ... Content?oid=2458918
Don't just check yourself for ticks: check your pack and clothing before you
head home. We know of at least one case where a tick was found in someone's car
weeks after a trip to the Okanagan!